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How to get all the data (bulk) from GetListAsync method in an Application Service? #103

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talhazengin luotu

Abp suite CRUD code generation creates GetListAsync methods in Applications Services, but this method gives paged results.

Is there a way to get all the data with this method without implementing a new GetList method?

Task<PagedResultDto<EntityDto>> GetListAsync(GetEntityInput input)

6 Vastaus (t)
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    yilmaz.atalar luotu


    You can do that by overriding "ApplyPaging" method of your CrudAppService.

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    talhazengin luotu

    There is no such method named "ApplyPaging" in abstract class "Volo.Abp.Application.Services.ApplicationService".

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    yilmaz.atalar luotu

    Is it possible to configure your service to extend CrudAppService? Then you can override ApplyPaging method.

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    talhazengin luotu

    As far as i can see, things have changed. We used code generation with early 2.* versions. So before this there were only ApplicationService. Anyway our system now uses old mechanism.

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    yilmaz.atalar luotu

    I've suspected that something is weird. Because abp suite should not generate services by extending ApplicationService class. I think your problem will be easily solved by converting services to extend CrudAppService.

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    alper luotu
    Tukitiimi Director

    hi Talha,

    Suite generates only PagedResult action. So if you have a requirement to get all records, you can simply send a big maxResultCount. http://sample.com/api/identity/users?maxResultCount=99999

    Or create a new action to retrieve all records without paging.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on maaliskuuta 25, 2024, 15.11