"niall" की गतिविधियाँ

Yes, I need this, Thank you ~~


  1. Run WebHost at http://localhost:8081
  2. Run AuthServer at http://localhost:8000
  3. Access WebHost(http://localhost:8081) from Browser.
  4. Click login
  5. the Browser auto redirect to http://localhost:8000/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fconnect%2Fauthorize%3Fclient_id%3DWeb%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Flocalhost:8081%252Fsignin-oidc%26response_type....

I want to modify this url, replace some parameters and sign it.


My web will redirect to the login page if not authenticated.


public class IndexModel : AbpPageModel
    public ActionResult OnGet()
        if (Request.Query["ex"] == "yes")
            throw new DivideByZeroException("This is a test exception!");
        if (!CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated)
            return Redirect("~/Account/Login");
            return Page();

and it open this url


Can I construct this url myself?

By the way, I use the microservice-pro template.


My web will redirect to the login page if not authenticated.


public class IndexModel : AbpPageModel
    public ActionResult OnGet()
        if (Request.Query["ex"] == "yes")
            throw new DivideByZeroException("This is a test exception!");
        if (!CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated)
            return Redirect("~/Account/Login");
            return Page();

and it open this url


Can I construct this url myself?

By the way, I use the microservice-pro template.


My web will redirect to the login page if not authenticated.


public class IndexModel : AbpPageModel
    public ActionResult OnGet()
        if (Request.Query["ex"] == "yes")
            throw new DivideByZeroException("This is a test exception!");
        if (!CurrentUser.IsAuthenticated)
            return Redirect("~/Account/Login");
            return Page();

and it open this url


Can I construct this url myself?

By the way, I use the microservice-pro template.

Haa, I found it.


I try it now.


If every service need a public URL, I think it is a terrible design

It's up to you. you can use the internal URL for the service.

If I need web can redirect to auth.mydomain.com, and authserver can redirect to console.mydomain.com, which fields need modify?

I think it's clear, you can see everything you need here:


Hi, thank you for reply.

Yes, it is clear for k8s, and I believe it works fine.

but i run all services at a single windows machine, so i can't use a public or internal URL for every services, just use ip:port to communicate in lan and use reverse proxy bind domainname to my auth,web and publicweb.

Is there somethings references about use reverse proxy, like as nginx?


If every service need a public URL, I think it is a terrible design.

I need use reverse proxy access the auth, web, webgateway. and them need redirect to the correct public domainname. other times, each services use lan ip to communicate. like this:

I split my question, the first one:

If I need web can redirect to auth.mydomain.com, and authserver can redirect to console.mydomain.com, which fields need modify?

I add a route in gateway, redirect the console.mydomain.com to, if i use browser to access console.mydomain.com, the microservice-pro/Web will open the auth page, but the uri is, this url is in lan not wlan.

I need let the microservice-pro/Web open auth.mydomain.com when click login. and the auth page return to console.mydomain.com after auth success.

Ok, I sended.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11