"peter.ebdon@achorda.com" की गतिविधियाँ


I am building an ionic mobile app using angular that authorises users against the abp.io commercial back-end.

I am calling /connect/token to log in - as per the react mobile example code.

The problem is that I can only get this to work in a test environment where I can add the test app's local address as an origin. How do I enable this from any mobile device?

This is my log:

2020-10-30 12:04:37.211 +00:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 POST http://replaced-app-name/connect/token multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary4By0PBl0hb6SeaXc 700 2020-10-30 12:04:37.211 +00:00 [INF] CORS policy execution failed. 2020-10-30 12:04:37.211 +00:00 [INF] Request origin http://replaced-app-name.com does not have permission to access the resource. 2020-10-30 12:04:37.215 +00:00 [WRN] Origin is not allowed: http://replaced-app-name.com 2020-10-30 12:04:37.215 +00:00 [WRN] CorsPolicyService did not allow origin: http://replaced-app-name.com 2020-10-30 12:04:37.216 +00:00 [INF] No CORS policy found for the specified request. 2020-10-30 12:04:37.220 +00:00 [INF] Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.TokenEndpoint for /connect/token 2020-10-30 12:04:37.221 +00:00 [INF] Entity Framework Core 3.1.5 initialized 'IdentityServerDbContext' using provider 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer' with options: None

I am using abp.io commercial which ahs 4 default widgets but there is no source code for these and no documentation I can find for how to add new ones.

Thanks Mehmet but my question is more about the abp side of things. So how do I correctly create the client-side and server-side for a widget so they pick up the filters? Source code for creating one of the commercial widgets would help but they are not available.


I'm using abp commercial v 4.4.0.

There is help on replacing the login.cshtml template here: https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/2.8/How-To/Customize-Login-Page-MVC This does now work however for the commercial version.

How can I replace the the login and registration pages with my own layout while preserving the functionality?

I think maybe I just need the appropriate pro source file to copy as a basis for the changed version?



I don't have access to the source code.

So are you saying that if I have a team account I can't even modify the login page?

But with the free version I can modify the login page - that seems wrong.

Thank you for this - much appreciated.

Hi, if I add the login.cshtml page in the Host project I get this. It's not rendering the controls.

Note that I have to exclude the file from the project as I get build errors if it's included as it's not an MVC project.

I can see I should include the page in the product but I get these compilation errors due to the Recaptcha lines.

I'm using Visual Studio 2019.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11