"yilmaz.atalar" की गतिविधियाँ


During 2FA with the email, verification code may not come at the first trial or can be expired before entering it. Currently the only option going to home page again and retry. Adding a resend button could help for those cases.


@berkansasmaz, @maliming

Thank you for your attention.

I know feature system very well and it is irrelevant. I do not want my parent module depend all of optional/plugin modules. Every plugin module has implementations of some interfaces, for example. And I must manage DI manually for this scenario. At last I assume that Abp does not support dynamic dependency tree modification and we must add plugins at startup module.

This feature would be nice, Abp team may consider adding it.

Yes you are right but I've given PreConfigureServices or ConfigureServices methods just for example. I've tried to explain what I need. I only need to inject a module dynamically to the module tree. Maybe like this:

public class ModuleA : AbpModule
    public override ICollection<Type> GetDynamicDependencies() 
        List<Type> dependencies = new List<Type>();
        if (condition)
        return result;

And basically "GetDynamicDependencies" method can be called by the framework if possible while populating module dependency tree.

Plugin mechanism quite useful but documents say we should add plugin from startup module but I do not want to break up the dependency tree. In other words, I want to add a module conditionally but working same as DependsOnAttribute.If I can add plugin module from another module that will also work for me.

Hi @maliming,

Thanks for your assitance. It worked.

do you want to change this translation?

Yes I do.


Your entity interface should be defined as follows:

  export interface Entity<TKey> {
    id: TKey;


I think the problem is clear and easy to reproduce. Also I've linked a related problem. I cannot share the source code. It's a corporate project and contains sensitive information.


It seems to be working. I've missed it because of an intellisense issue. Thanks for your help.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11