Aktivity „Sturla“


I'm getting CS0104 ambiguous reference errors when adding entities in Suite. Unique namespaces don´t seem to be enough.

Here are two examples of this


First I had this one

C:\Dev\Test\aspnet-core\src\Test.EntityFrameworkCore\EntityFrameworkCore\TestEntityFrameworkCoreModule.cs(55,49): error CS0104: 'EfCoreLanguageRepository' is an ambiguous reference between 'Test.Languages.EfCoreLanguageRepository' and 'Volo.Abp.LanguageManagement.EntityFrameworkCore.EfCoreLanguageRepository' [C:\Dev\Test\aspnet-core\src\Test.EntityFrameworkCore\Test.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj]

For now, I´ll call it "OurLanguages" (or something.. naming is hard) but I would prefer it just being Language and the DB table AppLanguage.


And now I just had this one that I find even stranger

error CS0104: 'TimeZone' is an ambiguous reference between 'Test.TimeZones.TimeZone' and 'System.TimeZone'


Your ABP Framework version. 4.2.2 Your database provider: EF Core Blazor

Thank you so much for this great answer! It has really helped me to scope the work that lies ahead and the tech I should choose. I will explore the path you suggest and do some MVP stuff next couple of days.

After that, I'll mark this question answered and let you know what I decided to do.

Hi, I have tried to read everything on abp.io multi-tenancy (github/discussions/formums) but I´m unsure what route I should take and would like some guidance on how to start the project the correct way.

Scenario: "We give 3party entities access to use our portal and they sell their material back to others (clients)"

  • We offer access to entities (companies/teams/etc) to our portal/framework for a fee (and cut per usage)
  • Entities use the portal for their own material and sell access to it
  • Entities have different users/roles (admin/bookkeeping/agenda/etc)
  • Entities need to be able to do some basic CRM stuff and have access to usage and monetary reports
  • Entities can manage their "subdomain" www.entity.ourPortal.com (or www.ourPortal.com/entity)
  • Clients (random people) can sign-up and pay for access to entities material
  • Logged in client can access material from every entity and pay/subscribe to it.
  • Clients should not need to explicitly choose tenants when logging in. They should be able to login once and browse (and pay for) all material from other tenants
  • We have system-wide settings (look and feel, blog, reports, disable tenants, etc)
  • We distribute fees (money) back to entities based on amount of usage by clients

So my question is basically what architecture approach should we choose based on our requirements and abp.io capabilities? What is possible and/or best approach and/or do you have examples (that attempt to do something similar) for us?

I hope I made myself clear enough, and what my requirements are. If not just shoot back.

  • ABP Framework version: v4.2.2 (or newer since I havent started)
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Identity Server Separated: yes
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11