"FrancoisLabelle" 'in aktiviteleri

Made with the latest 8.1.1 ABP Suite, using Blazor.

Why the "child grid" so high... especially when there is nothing to display ? No child value should not even display the grid.

Why do the "child grid" is displaying on a click on a row... why don't add a clickable / toggle plus/minus button/icon (like others do !)

Why the "child grid" is displaying ALSO when you click on the action button ?

Why the "child grid" is displaying ALSO when you click on the selected checkbox ?

Why the "selected items count label" displayed at the top of the grid and then affecting the layout (moving all rows) ?

Why there is no "sort indicator" after the name of each column ?

I think it's about time to get all the same features of the Identity Management using Blazor or MVC. Blazor version still lacks a lot of features since a very long time:

  • Drag and drop of Organisation units
  • While editing a user, while in the "Roles" tab
    • Having roles inherited from OU assignations suffixed with (OU) and grayed out (unclickable).
    • Having roles counts in the Tab titles. E.g. Roles (2)
  • While editing a user...
    • What hapenedd to the Or. units tab (7.2.3 has nothing in it ?!?!)
    • Display the list of OU assigned to the user.
    • Display to counts of Org.Units in tab title.

Capture of Mvc...

Capture of Blazor (server)

By the way, the fact that using Blazor, we can uncheck an inherited role, save, and come back to see it's still there, can also be considered as a bug.




I have a similar issue... Restore of package is working... In facts, it's the "Commercial Nuget Source" feed that is "kind of broken".

I don't know if it's intended or not, but with the Nuget Package Manager inside visual studio, we cannot browse packages.

My nuget source is set to https://nuget.abp.io/[our own GUID]/v3/index.json as expected...

It's like if your nuget API endpoints are not "fully working" as expected ?!?!?

ABP suite is almost unusable to maintain an application, especialy after a while when modifications has occured in the first version of generated code. Doing a simple update, like adding a new field to an entity, has 95% odds to break the code, the tests, and needs manual file comparisons, fixes and implies a lot of error possibilites.

But, I think that if the first class generated were made using partial class and partial methods... and the code being generated marked by #region block and/or some comments marker like "/* ABPSuite generated code, do not do code change below/above */, then it will make updates possible (and easier to deal with in ABP Suite code generator).

Then, some "inteligence" could be added in the code generatior and start to "update the code", not just restarting from scratch and igoring the changes made by others...

ABP Suite is a nice tool, able to save us A LOT of time, but it misses some features to still be a great value after the initial applcation creation.

Yes, it's working again, thanks.


Do you mean that or that


Well... the first post https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/10016#issuecomment-917707186 mentioned, at the end, that there is no such "abp downgrade" command and that you don't find that this feature would be useful...

So I guess that I have my answer... and that downgrading will remain very painfull... especialy in a large solution with custom modules.

Otherwise, what about this recuring error:

[10:38:48 WRN] 3. HTTP request attempt failed to https://api.nuget.org/v3-flatcontainer/volo.abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.lepton/index.json with an error: 404-Not Found. Waiting 7 secs for the next try...

... repeating for all modules and several times during an update process ?


Version 6.0.0 (final release) is OK... well... after a second try. I have updated CLI to 6.0.0 and Suite to 6.0.0, started it... and I got errors while trying to update packages.

2022-10-06 11:08:11.223 -04:00 [ERR] Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate, Boolean& found) at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at Volo.Abp.Cli.ProjectModification.VoloNugetPackagesVersionUpdater.GetLatestVersionFromMyGet(String packageId) in D:\ci\Jenkins\workspace\abp-commercial-release

I closed everything... deleted the suite.dll in my %temp% folder (because I had issues with this previously)... started ABP Suite and proceed to update... Then, everything went well, fast, and without any update of unwanted folders...


The version 6.6.0-rtc.5 is not really better. Well, not yet fully tested I guess...

Packages update is working from the main page. But, when you click on solution and goes the the "crud page"...

  1. The Update menu is not the same. We miss the "switch to xxx " menu items.
  2. If you launch the "update all packages", you will get the famous "An internal error has occurred"

The underlying error is path related. Let's say you have started abp-suite in a command prompt while being in a folder named C:\MyFolder, then, the error message will tell this: ERR] Could not find a part of the path 'c:\MyFolder\MySolutionName'. System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'c:\MyFolder\MySolutionName'.

Again, it makes no sense !?!? Why appending the "startup folder" of abp-suite to the selected solution name... when you already have the full path of the solution selected (in my case, C:\Sources\MySolutionName). ?!?!?

Also, with 5.3.4 and 6 rc5, I recurrently have this error

ERR] The file 'C:\Users\flabelle\AppData\Local\Temp\Suite.dll' already exists. System.IO.IOException: The file 'C:\Users\flabelle\AppData\Local\Temp\Suite.dll' already exists. at System.IO.FileSystem.CopyFile(String sourceFullPath, String destFullPath, Boolean overwrite) at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) at System.IO.File.Copy(String sourceFileName, String destFileName) at Volo.Abp.Suite.Areas.AbpSuite.CrudPageGenerator.Services.SuiteAssemblyService.B6vUUTF0OS(String )

... Then I close Abp-suite, delete the suite.dll in the temp folder, and restart from scratch. Annoying !

Hello Albert,

I agree that string primary key is not the best approach, and I will not persist that way since the ABP framework does not fully support this.

But in our situation, it was useful to have a human readable key because the staff refers to this code amongst others system.

The plan was to first import the legacy records and then allow them to create new ones too. I was expecting to be able to avoid coding something "special" for it and be able to use the auto-generated pages from ABP Suite but we can't.

Sadly, the more I use ABP Suite, and the more I find this tools useless and very buggy. We had great hope in this tools to help us improve our development speed, but it clearly lacks some useful advance features and the overall quality of the tool is not equal to the quality of the ABP framework itself. Hopefully the framework is more stable. But, yes, it still a good startup point for basic stuff.


Hello Albert,

Actually, I tried with Blazor and EF Core. Tiered or not, that changes nothing. MVC or Angular, same thing also.

In facts, the main problem is that the primary key (Id) cannot be exposed by default in the CRUD page­. This should be made an option I think.

Id values are usually generated automatically. While it can make sense for GUID, INT and LONG, for string it makes no sense. Well, unless we could provide some kind of formula to autogenerate the Id... Another feature to add some day.

When the primary key type is string, then it makes no sense to not be able to present this field to the end user for the "add page".

But, actually, if you still do, then we cannot add a new entry because the insert will fail with a generic error message. Then, we can say that the provided application is not working.

So, I'm not sure why you have offered this type (string) without really supporting it ?!?!?

We might find this "unfinished feature" useful in some specific situations, but not in ours

At least, the documentation should make this clear that this type is not fully supported and that this feature is meant to... (?!?!)....


14 kayıttan 1 ile 10 arası gösteriliyor.
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11