"Sturla" 'in aktiviteleri

I want to be able to turn off cmsKit features for all blogs (e.g comments) for all tenants but now I can only turn everything on or add all features and skip the ones I don´t want (what happens when there is a new feature and I miss it!)

Can we have something like this?

GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(cmsKit =>
    cmsKit.EnableAllExcept(x =>  {

The Quick Navigation Bar In Blog Post is picking up something totally different from what is in the blog post. Take a look

Missing functionality

  • Preview of the cover image
  • Preview blog post tab (just like in here)

I´m in Blazor Server btw

There is no way to size the images used in blog posts. I would like a way to make each image eg. small, medium, large (like confluence does it)

CMS Plog post overview doesn´t size the images correctly.. images should be sized the same

I´m using Blazor Server

When adding an image to blog posts an extra postfix of Placeholder.jpg is added (or never removed)

resulting in

You have to notice this and remove it manually to get it working..

I´m using Blazor Server

Found this in Blazor Server 8.1.1

Most are CMS but the first one is in all pages


Strange icon (face-frown) in all breadcrumbs


Two buttons doing the same thing


Why is this using the pussle-piece icon? Its also in Comments/Pages/Tags. Use fa-refresh if this is a refresh button.


Why don´t you databind Name with slug and add dash (-) for it? So the following slug would be this-is-some-name


What is Source in newsletter? There is nothing corresponding in the grid.


Strange Icons when editing Menu´s


When creating a sub menu item it doesn´t show up right away. You'll need to reload the page for it to show up.

Yes I thought so. I’m, my self, on the fence with Blazor (to be used for everything) so I will just use it for the backend for me and my tenants to manage things but will use MVC as the public facing front.

So two applications at this point and if/when Blazor SSR will contain all the bits I can considder having one.

P.s Sorry I mixed the SEO bit into this. That was just for the CMS blog part and isnt related to Blazor in any way. 😅 BUT for my idea to work I need that part so I look forware hearing from you.


CMS Kit public side is implemented in MVC only because of SEO capabilities. Will you implement this in Blazor server https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/18289 (and if now, when?) or is my only change of having one application running using MVC?

Will the new Blazor SSR not have the CMS Kit public side functionality since you plan to add SEO https://github.com/abpframework/abp/issues/16342#issuecomment-1997078207 ? Any eta for it?

I need to know if my only (none Angular/React) option is then to use MVC, if Im starting something new for the next 3 months?

Can you use something from here? https://support.abp.io/qa/questions/6852/3a115e97-a34f-d9c6-6848-7adc94262fc1

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11