"richard.harrison@brightserve.com" 'in aktiviteleri

The requirement is that I have an entity called RateCard that is used to define pricing for a range of services. To do this the rate card has a collection of Rates (RateCardRate). Each of these has a Value for the base rate together with a set of entities (called ValueModifiers) that provide a different rate when a set of criteria are fulfilled.

I used the builder and the only way that I could find to have a entity that contains a collection of entities is with the many to many navigation property. This provides a design that is reasonably elegant; although for my purposes the linking table isn't strictly necessary because there will not be any shared data (i.e each ValueModifier is unique). However I am happy to go this way.

I can populate the data quite nicely; creating a RateCard and then creating ValueModifiers that I insert and add to the rate card.

What I am struggling with is what is the right way to navigate these properties.

What I want to do is to load a rate card which has a collection of RateCardRates and each RateCardRate has a collection of ValueModifiers that I can iterate.

What I have to do to make this work is the following (the whole test is included for clarity) - but these seems a little inelegant to have to iterate and then call the GetWithNavigationProperties; normally I'd like to be able to do all of this within a LINQ .Select statement

    public async Task ImportAsync()
        var rateCardMatch = await _rateCardRepository.FindAsync(c => c.RateCardName == "Wessex Fleet");
        var rateCard = await _rateCardRepository.GetAsync(rateCardMatch.Id);
        var rates = await _rateCardRateRepository.GetListAsync(c => c.RateCardId == rateCard.Id);
        foreach (var rate in rates)

            var rateDetails = await _rateCardRateRepository.GetWithNavigationPropertiesAsync(rate.Id);
            foreach (var modifier in rateDetails.ValueModifiers)
                var modifierDetails = await _valueModifierRepository.GetWithNavigationPropertiesAsync(modifier.Id);


My questions are

  • am I doing the right thing
  • is there a better way of doing this
  • how can I do this using LINQ
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11