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Get FirstName, LastName user info in "currentUser" in Angular side #390

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hraval 创建
  • ABP Framework version: v3.0.5
  • UI type: Angular
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): no


I want to get user info like FirstName, LastName in "currentUser" object in Angular side. Please share steps to add extra info in "currentUser" object.

To be specific, my usecase here is to show FirstName LastName instead of username in User Logged in section on right side.


2 答案
  • User Avatar
    hraval 创建


    Any update on this? I don't want to call extra api to get the other user info.

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    alper 创建
    支持团队 Director


    This information is not available on the currentUser object at the moment. I have discussed it with the team and it'll be added to the currentUser which comes from http://domain.com/api/abp/application-configuration I've created an internal issue for this (for v3.2)

    Until this is implemented, you can use this URL to get the user's name surname: http://domain.com/api/identity/my-profile

Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 三月 25, 2024, 15:11