
When I generate an entity several times in the ABP Suite, certain usings are added to the (extended) manager class each time (MyProject.Domain\Customers\CustomerManager.Extended.cs).

I believe these are the entities that contain enums and navigation properties (the namespace is added, regardless of whether it already exists).

For a clean look of the extended classes in Blazor, an addition would have to be made in the .filenesting.json file (this is overwritten every time I generate something with ABP Suite...).

Add the following to the extensionToExtension section:

".Extended.razor.cs": [

In general, it would be nice if the lines of code were indented correctly in the from ABP Suite generated code.

I get compilation errors when I have generated master-child entities. I am using version 8.1.0.

I had to remove %%<if:HasMasterEntityNavigationProperties>%% and %%</if:HasMasterEntityNavigationProperties>%% in the following two templates:

  • Frontend.Blazor.Page.Partials.Item.razor.ChildEntitiesTabPanels.txt
  • Frontend.Blazor.Page.Partials.Item.razor.cs.ChildEntitiesMethods.txt

This does not seem to be applied correctly.

After my change, the entites were generated correctly. The changed result looks like this:

Even though it may not be directly related to ABP, do you know more about it and can perhaps help me anyway?

I have now tested the cookie expire time. The result of this is that you have to log in to the application again after the corresponding time (which would be good in principle), but the login to Microsoft still happens automatically and without entering a password and MFA.

Here my solution:

.radar-spinner .circle-inner {
    border-left-color: var(--lpx-brand) !important;
    border-right-color: var(--lpx-brand) !important;

Thanks for help, liangshiwei

  • ABP Framework version: v8.0.4
  • UI Type: Blazor Server
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no

Our customer uses Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) as an external provider. A lifetime of 10 hours is configured in the conditional access policy. After 12 hours (or even longer), the page is reopened in the browser, but he does not have to authenticate again. One click on the Microsoft login button is enough and he is logged in. According to the setup in Entra, MFA would be required, but this query does not appear. He only had to do MFA the very first time he logged in.

We have been looking for the cause for a while now, but haven't found anything yet. What are we overlooking?

Second question on this topic: For logins with "local" ABP users (not via Microsoft Entra), we would like to configure that the user is automatically logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity.

I have set the following, but unfortunately this does not work:

PreConfigure<OpenIddictServerBuilder>(builder =>

Thanks for help! Adrian


Yes, of course I know that, but I couldn't find the right style (inspection is not so easy with this element).

Perfect, thank you very much! Can you refund me the question (at least one was a bug)?

Can you tell me how I can replace the color of the RadarSpinner? (CSS)


Could you try this to check if it work ...

Yes, that seems to work. Will you include this in the next release?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 三月 25, 2024, 15:11