
thanks you. it works fine I implment similiar code but I will use your code .

I implement this code. But your code is more than smart to my code //string returnUrl = httpContext.Request.Path.ToString() + httpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString(); //if(returnUrl != null && returnUrl != "/") //httpContext.Response.Redirect("/account/login?returnUrl=" + returnUrl); //else //httpContext.Response.Redirect("/account/login");

My page is dynamic. for example : https://subdonamin.domain.com/crm-aday-details?adayId=4503#0 My scenario ;

  1. User can go to link with parameter.
  2. if user doesn't login, we want to redirect to login page with user return url
  3. But we cant trasport dynamic return url to login page.

we get reference from this ticket https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5206/Blazor-Server---Force-Authentication-For-Root--Entire-Site

Hi ; we redirect non-login user to login page with tihs code. how can we transport return url with this code

    app.Use(async (httpContext, next) =>
        if (!httpContext.Request.Path.ToString().Contains("account/login"))
            if (httpContext.User.Identity is not { IsAuthenticated: true })

        await next();

Hi.Actually request did not shown on logs. But i share it anyway https://we.tl/t-wdky8sp5FI

hi. We developed abp.io project with Blazor server UI. can you share with us Blazor server sample.

Hi ; I resoılved this issue . Can you refund my ticket ? I replaced NotificationsComponent.razor code in https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Blazor/Toolbars document

@inherits Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.AbpComponentBase <div class="nav-link"> <i class="fas fa-bell" @onclick="ShowNotifications"></i> </div> @code { private async Task ShowNotifications() { await Message.Info("TODO: Show notifications"); } }

@inherits Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.AbpComponentBase <div class="nav-link" @onclick="ShowNotifications" > <i class="fas fa-bell"></i> </div> @code { private async Task ShowNotifications() { await Message.Info("TODO: Show notifications"); } }

and NotificationsComponent.razor

@inherits Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.AbpComponentBase <div class="nav-link"> <i class="fas fa-bell" @onclick="ShowNotifications"></i> </div> @code { private async Task ShowNotifications() { await Message.Info("TODO: Show notifications"); } }

I give already all code in my project . I think https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Blazor/Toolbars document is lack. When I click Notifications(Bell Icon) ShowNotifications event is not triggered.

How can We change from tenantId (Guid) to KurumId(int). We must use exist old mssql db.(db first)

But we already use different db by tenant. why do we implement entity IMultiTenant interface

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