

It works thanks.


Can you please provide us with the code needed to make this behavior change?

Also, quoting the documentation:

In some cases, you may want to save a few properties but ignore all others. Writing [DisableAuditing] for all the other properties would be tedious. In such cases, use [Audited] only for the desired properties and mark the entity with the [DisableAuditing] attribute

I would expect that if I disable auditing on the entity and enable auditing only on a property I should have a record in AuditingStore only if the property has changed.

If this is not a bug for you then I am going to ask you to update the documentation to better clarify how it works.



Can you elaborate more? Both these concept are under "Audit Logging" in the documentation (

Looking through the Database the reason for the blank record is that it created a record for the table "AbpEntityChanges" but no record for the "AbpEntityPropertyChanges" (since there were no changes to the audited properties).

I also tried inverting the data annotation like it is explained in the documentation but the behavior stays the same.

If there were no changes to the audited property of the entity (no "AbpEntityPropertyChanges" records created) it would be useful if it did not create a record for the "AbpEntityChanges" table.

I also had a similar problem in the scenario where I need to have the ability to log in locally and the ability to login via Active Directory active, but a user cannot "self" register. Only an administrator can create accounts and without a created account a user cannot log in.

See my post

So I also had to override the methods, but I think the correct solution is to have a flag that enables/disables the creation of a local user (self registration) and a flag that enables/disables registration from External Provider (automatic external registration)

Is it possible to have this feature?


We ask that you follow the Microsoft version lifecycle guides

We have software in production created with Abp Commercial and our customers request to use only packages covered by Long Time Support.

If we are forced to migrate to .Net 9 or any STS version we will be forced to look for other frameworks.


Because the templates are not yet perfect and sometimes contain errors, I had to customize them. When a new version is released, it is relatively time-consuming to find out whether I can switch back to the original template, whether I have to continue using my modified template or whether I should even perform a merge.

Several possible solutions come to mind:

  • Easy to implement and already helpful would be to have another button "Show default". Currently you have to select "Revert customization" to see the default.
  • Maybe it would also be a solution to store the original file in the same directory with a different file extension (.suite/customized-templates/Frontend.Blazor.Page.Item.razor.original.txt), then you would be able to see very well in Git whether changes have been made in the original (new version) and you would also have the possibility to make a diff with your own changes.
  • The "deluxe version" would be if you were to implement a merge tool with which we could update to a new version ;-)

Thanks for the suggestion, I have created an internal issue for this feature request.

I would add that we would need a button like "download Zip with all template"

Thank you, but it is not our practice to perform temporary workarounds when the fix is released soon.

We are waiting for the fix.

Best regards

Will the fix be released in version 8.1-patch or versione 8.2-preview? Which is the estimated release date of the 8.1-patch?


Does this fix disable change tracking for all entities? We have AggregateRoot type entities such as Order with List of OrderItem, does this fix have any impact on this? I believe that if I implemented it, I would break other parts of our application.

Can you explain the workaround better?


HI, sent you the email with the test projects

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