
Hi, @sumeyye.kurtulus Please check my last comment as we need help on this.

And one more **important **question: Is it any validation exists on backend services - looks like we may Impersonate any-to-any user even for those which has no Impersonate permissions assigned.

Hi, @sumeyye.kurtulus this looks ok if it related to Impersotaion. If user have permission so it will work. But we want to use Delegation.

From my example above (picture) I have CurrentUser and it allowed to "Login" based on Delegation from user John. What code for "Login" action (click) should be in such scenario? Looks to security issue.

Hi, @Anjali_Musmade Now it works. Thank you!

This issue could be closed. Thank you for for help and patience :)

Hi, I already mentioned we are using Single-tiered application so I have no *.host project.

I have created Pages/Account in my project

I used yours code and it gives me follwing output:

Strange but no styles of Input textboxes and no style of Login button. No [remember me] checkbox Also Login button is not working.

Hi, We are blocked with next steps in implementation of solution for our customer. May someone check last comment and provide code example?

Hi, And what is about login.cshtml.cs because I can not use it without having proper .cs file


check once I tried and it works for me.


What should I check from this link? It is 4 years ago code:

Please include code for login.cshtml and login.cshtml.cs which works for you.

Hello again Viktor, sorry for the delay caused by the chain of misunderstandings. You can customize the entity actions for your page. Here is the default config for the identity module actions:

export const DEFAULT_USERS_ENTITY_ACTIONS = EntityAction.createMany<IdentityUserDto>([ 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::ViewDetails', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.ViewDetails', 
    text: 'AbpUi::Edit', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update', 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::Claims', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update', 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::Lock', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
      component.selected = data.record; 
      component.isLockModalVisible = true; 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update', 
    visible: data => { 
      const configState = data.getInjected(ConfigStateService); 
      const currentUserId = configState.getDeep(''); 
      return ( !== currentUserId && data.record.lockoutEnabled 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::Unlock', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update', 
    visible: data => data.record.isLockedOut, 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::Permissions', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
      component.openPermissionsModal(, data.record.userName); 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.ManagePermissions', 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::ChangeHistory', 
    action: data => { 
      const showHistory = data.getInjected(SHOW_ENTITY_HISTORY); 
      showHistory(, 'Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser'); 
    permission: 'AuditLogging.ViewChangeHistory:Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser', 
    visible: data => Boolean(data.getInjected(SHOW_ENTITY_HISTORY, null)), 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::SetPassword', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
      component.selected = data.record; 
      component.isSetPasswordModalVisible = true; 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update', 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::TwoFactor', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
      component.selected = data.record; 
      component.service.getTwoFactorEnabled( => { 
        component.twoFactor.checkboxValue = res; 
        component.twoFactor.isModalVisible = true; 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Update', 
    visible: data => data.getInjected(UsersComponent).twoFactor.isOptional, 
    text: 'AbpIdentity::LoginWithThisUser', 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Impersonation', 
    action: data => { 
      const impersonation = data.getInjected(ImpersonationService); 
    visible: data => { 
      const configState = data.getInjected(ConfigStateService); 
      const currentUserId = configState.getDeep(''); 
      const currentImpersonatorUserId = configState.getDeep('currentUser.impersonatorUserId'); 
      return !== currentUserId && currentImpersonatorUserId === null; 
    text: 'AbpUi::Delete', 
    action: data => { 
      const component = data.getInjected(UsersComponent); 
      component.delete(, || data.record.userName); 
    permission: 'AbpIdentity.Users.Delete', 

In this case, you will need to customize the entity actions to manage this. Here is the related documentation that explains the procedure step by step

This did not help to understand how to code action.

Let me try to ask in different way. We have created following page on Angular (see picture below). And we know CurrentUser have delegation to "Login" as John (there is Login button below name John marked with red arrow). So I need to know how to code (click) action/event of this. After Click it will Login (Impersonate) as John. And also we need to have button "Back to CurrentUser" and also have action to get back.


to update login page please check also add code for login.cshtml.cs then you will not get the error for LoginModel as you showed above.


I tried to login.cshtml.cs use but getting error:

And this is not same Login page. It is different design and missing some elements. I do not want to change anything on Login page, it has everything we need to have, just want to add some HTML to page like checkbox with "I agree with Terms and Conditions".

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