Activities of "muhammedaltug"

Hello, You can do it this way.

 <abp-modal [(visible)]="isModalOpen" [busy]="isModalBusy">
    <ng-template #abpHeader> header </ng-template>
    <ng-template #abpBody>
      <!-- wrap your modal content with a container which has your class-->
      <div class="overflow-scroll">
            <!-- modal body html goes here -->


You can use skipValidation input with value true for this case. If you want disable abp-error messages for all formcontrol elements in form you can add this input to form tag. If you want disable for specific form control element add this input to your form control element.

<!-- disable all abp errors in form --> 
<form [formGroup]="yourFormGroup" [skipValidation]="true">

<!-- disable abp error for specific form control element -->
<form [formGroup]="yourFormGroup">

Hello tunji,

Does this solution resolve your problem ?

Hello alexander,

Does this solution resolve your problem ?

Hello tunji,

I realized the given 'overflow-hidden' CSS class example in the issue doesn't have a dot in the beginning. Can you check the CSS class definition? Otherwise, can you give me a full code example with your component files and style files?

Hello paul, scot

We have an issue for this case. Replacement of aplication layout sections with replacable components will availabe in version 4.0.0, paul, you can customize footer with replacing entire layout for now. scott, you can change application name in environment files. This property used only for copyright information in application layout and account layout components

Hello Johannes,

We have a issue for this request. Animation change will be available in 4.0.0 version

Hello tunji,

Sorry for the latency in the answer to your question

ABP modal does not support binding class to the modal-content section. you can change the overflow-scroll CSS class this way.

.overflow-scroll .modal-content {
      max-height: 230px;
      overflow-y: scroll;

Give overflow-scroll class to abp-modal component's modalClass input

<abp-modal modalClass="overflow-scroll">
    <!-- modal content -->


The error seems like related with ngb-pagination. Some undefined variables given to ngb-pagination component inputs maybe cause this error.

Can you give us a code example for understanding the problem?

Hello arifharsono,

Sorry for latency in answer your question.

You can check example for layout customization in v3.2 in this example

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 3月 25, 2024, 15:11