Activités de "Anjali_Musmade"


You can increase the token expiration time.

Hi the RoutesService does returns all the childmenu items these are not routes these are just menu item that is displayed in sidemenu they are not lazy loaded like the routes that you define in routermodule

Hi you can use as any to temporarily suspend type checking for that expression and treat it as if it has the any type

this you will be able to see like this

you can provide same information of data which you provided to routermodule config


I am checking on this do you need a workaround?


can you try using this to get the data information, you have to use Permission Guard for page related validation but to hide menu you can use RoutesService in app.component,ts

let me know if this works.


Can you please change url's of App--SelfUrl and AuthServer--Authority to deployed application URLs https://localhost:44325 to "deployed-application-url"


You should add this Services.AddSignalR().AddAzureSignalR(); where your hub is created. is your hub created in {POJECT_NAME}BlazorModule ?

Please use Install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client package to use the SignalR client. to communicate to your hub as mentioned in this example


Where have you added this configuration, in which module?


I was not able to reproduce the issue here is a small video that is working.

Please Follow :


Sorry, but the above video was just a sample which showed the working of azure SignalR with abp io blazor server and not the actual result you are trying to achieve.

I heard the idea of Permission Guard earlier in this thread and I wrote about it in my previous message:

However I've just checked out that canActivate is not triggered when I reload my root page

Hi, You can still use the RoutesService to modify the menu anytime and anywhere in the app you can use it in the app.component.ts.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on mars 25, 2024, 15:11