أنشطة "icoretchi"


When I am setting the variables in Dockerfiles like the following: EXPOSE 80 EXPOSE 443 ENV ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS=80 ENV ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORTS=443 ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80;https://+:443

I am receiving the following errors:

What do you mean URLs in the database may be 80?


Yes I know and as I mentioned, I've tryied to set the ASPNETCORE_URLS variable but the applications failed to start. I've also changed all the ports to 8080 but I am receiving the same error.


I've noticed that previously when the system has been deployed based on v7.4.4 the services in pods listening on http://[::]:80. But now in version 8.0.0 they are listening on http://[::]:8080. Could this be a problem? And by the way, if I'll set the ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80;https://+:443 in Dockefiles, the services even fail to start.


Ok. I've understood.



The tests don't show how you resolved the issue. Allow me to remind you that the problem was that the implementation of the Dapper interface wasn't properly descoved by dependency injection. I succeeded to resolve the issue by mannually register the interface and implementation. I've just wondering how you have solved the issue.

Cheers, Yulian

Also pay attention for the following errors as well:


Probably this is specific to my infrastructure configuration. I'll close the issue.


Thanks for giving me a clue. I've probably understood where the mistake could be. Just after your suggestion, I've noticed that when adding a new microservice to the solution, in the file with the constants in my case AcquisitionServiceRemoteServiceConsts from the Application.Contracts project, the variable with the name of the module is not added, that is, the following declaration is missing public const string ModuleName = "acquisitionService"; And for this reason, the controllers do not appear in the api definition, because each controller has the [Area("acquisitionService")] attribute. So please check the generation of the files in case of the addition of the microservice to the solution.

Thanks Iulian


If you have not encountered such an error recently, then I will close the this issue.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on مارس 25, 2024, 15:11