"yilmaz.atalar" की गतिविधियाँ


I've achieved this by overriding MinioBlobNameCalculator, MinioBlobProvider and BlobContainerFactory. It should not be that hard. I think abp should support this functionality with an easy way.

Also, I think GetContainerName function of MinioBlobProvider has a bug. Configuration does not allow empty or null bucket names but that function checks for that and never uses true condition of comparison.

// always false because empty or null values are not allowed, application throws exception while starting up return configuration.BucketName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() ? args.ContainerName : configuration.BucketName;


I do not need to set it from a setting or a constant value. I want to set it according to a property of an entity. It is dynamic and changes on every user request to the application service. For example;

SaveBlob(1) -> Find record with id -> Read creation date -> 2020-01-05 -> Save blob to bucket "bucket-2020-01-05" SaveBlob(35) -> Find record with id -> Read creation date -> 2010-11-22 -> Save blob to bucket "bucket-2010-11-22"

Thanks for your attention.

@liangshiwei, your approach should work but there is one missing point for my case. Date parameter may not be today. I need to set it explicitly at runtime.

  • ABP Framework version: v4.0


I want to create buckets dynamically at runtime (and named blob containers also) depends on incoming data (for example I want to store data with daily bucket names. If a record is created on 29-12-2020, my bucket name should be bucket-29-12-2020). But Abp supports blob container configuration while configuring services at startup. How can I achieve this functionality ?

Thanks for your help.


There is a missing localization on ABP login screen.


Hi again liangshiwei;

I've found the point. IdentityServer's Sha256() result and the result obtained from System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256 class is different. I was confused because of this situation. I'm closing the topic.

Thanks for your help.


Nope it is not Sha256. I've checked this already.


Thanks for your attention but I think you've misunderstood something. Angular app sends "1q2w3e*" as client secret but it is defined "E5Xd4yMqjP5kjWFKrYgySBju6JVfCzMyFp7n2QmMrME=" on the database (also in the IdentityServerDataSeedContributor class). I think it is an encoded version of "1q2w3e*. I want to used another value instead of "1q2w3e*". So I need to encode the value that I want to use but I do not know how Abp encodes the secret. Which encoding algorithm is used while encoding "1q2w3e*" to "E5Xd4yMqjP5kjWFKrYgySBju6JVfCzMyFp7n2QmMrME=" ? I need this info.




I need to change identity server client secrets. It's defined as E5Xd4yMqjP5kjWFKrYgySBju6JVfCzMyFp7n2QmMrME= in seeder class as static. How "1q2w3e* " is encoded to this value?

Thanks for your help.

  • ABP Framework version: v3.0.5
  • UI type: Angular
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Seperated (Angular): Yes


I've added Abp's Quartz module to use Quartz as a background service. And I'm using default sql persistence options given in the abp's quartz documentation. But an error keeps appearing while initializing the application. I guess a background job from abp's identity server module causes the error (Application runs fine without sql persistence). Thanks for your help.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11