Activities of "Ploy-mwp"

Hi, I'm trying to customise Creating tenant on SaaS module that comes with Commercial package. By customising, it includes adding more fields and calling to services outside Commercial.

I'm overriding TenantAppSerive from Volo.Saas.Host but I'm not sure how I could do that as I don't know what's underneath the commercial package.

Hi Alper,

My bad. I had never noticed angular folder in saas module when I downloaded it!

Anyway, thank you!



We'd like to add another layer to multi-tenancy.

Currently we have Host, Tenant, and Both on Multitenancy. Could you suggest how we can add another layer called 'Client'? Do you have any plan to extend it in the simlar way?

Thanks, Ploy

Currently we have MultiTenancySides.Host and MultiTenancySides.Tenant.

We're modifing commercial to allow Tenant to create their own clients by reusing Saas module. So we need something like 'MultiTenancySides.Client' to be used when assign permissions to clients.

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