Activities of "dfzamora"

Hello I was able to generate the token, I had to include the expire date, not a null value, thanks for the support, however the issue is now on angular side,

When I try to validate the token with OAuthService.hasValidAccessToken() it returns false, as far as I can see AuthGuard of abp is using that method internally, for that reason the routes are not active and I am not able to login even with the token

I am not sure about the real issue since I have tested the token in ThunderClient and the API responds correctly to it.


Are you calling your app service method from the authserver website?

Because this options set by auth server website

Hello, I moved the code to the right project, now I am able to generate the token, however when I try to use that token in my API calls the response is Unauthorized, am I missing something else?

I have followed the example you posted, even though I have an error and it seems like I am not getting the right values from IOptionsMonitor<OpenIddictServerOptions>

I am not sure if this error is because of a missing configuration on my side.

Hello, I am using OpenIddict as Auth Server

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11