Activities of "nabass"

is abp provide a way to do this logic: if i have some of pages for example (JournalVoucher / FiscalYear / lines / Money / Accounting) and if i want to insert new record within JournalVoucher so i must first to insert records within rest of pages as JournalVoucher depends on them and all these pages into on createModel (thanks to <abp-tap> ) so my logic is to set for user number01 a permission for JournalVoucher and if he open createModel to insert new record is there a way to give him a permission for rest of pages (FiscalYear / lines / Money / Accounting) automatically

Thank you ,I appreciate your quick response.

I want to handle permission of SalesOrderAppService which handle the transaction screen, and if user allow only SalesOrder.Create in permission how i enable second service "SalesOrderLookupAppService" automatically from code.


hi sir i found it but i got a small problem i tried to bind some prop as i mentioned before (img 1) but i got error (img 2) so i used a model (img 3) but it is not working


i solved it thanks tag must be like this: without (/) <h5>@L["OpeningYearPeriod"].Value</h5>

thanks for efforts


hi Anjali,, it will not take the value into localization it will take the value within the tag it means that if i change the localization of this item no effect will happen


it's a company project i cant send it even if they allowed me because the size of it you can try any open project on your PC put <h5> or any tag not starts with <abp> it will not work <p> tag <a> tag <h1> tag ..... etc


no thing shows same as i don't put a tag and if i put it into tag itself the output will be:====> ["Opening Year / Period:"]

i solved it thank you if any one faced the same problem here is the solution -- make like CreateModel page syntax example: into class (Index.cs) public abstract class IndexModelBase : AbpPageModel { [BindProperty] public JournalVoucheraIndexViewModel JV { get; set; } public List<SelectListItem> CurrencyIdFilterMin { get; set; } = new List<SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem("-",null) }; private readonly ICurrencyAppService _currencyAppService; public IndexModelBase(ICurrencyAppService currencyAppService) { _currencyAppService = currencyAppService; }

 public virtual async Task OnGetAsync()
                   await _currencyAppService.GetCurrencyLookupAsync(new LookupRequestDto
                       MaxResultCount = LimitedResultRequestDto.MaxMaxResultCount
                   })).Items.Select(t => new SelectListItem(t.DisplayName, t.Id.ToString())).ToList()
 public class JournalVoucheraIndexViewModel : JournalVoucherDto



====================== into (index.cshtml) <abp-select asp-for="JV.CurrencyId" asp-items="Model.CurrencyIdFilterMin" label="@L["MinCurrencyId"].Value" />


hi sir i solved the problem it was in the Http controller in [HttpGet] method i was send {id} wrong way thanks for efforts and you can close the Q thanks

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11