Activities of "Priyanka"


sure, thank you.


. Could you please upgrade this with latest stable version.

No problem. Thanks for your feedback

We have upgraded this package in 8.3

Hi, thank you for your quick response, how soon it will be updated? I'm not able to deploy my application due to this.

Hi, in my application I'm using package Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Public.Application/8.1.3 and this package have dependency "Volo.Abp.Imaging.ImageSharp": "8.1.3", and if I check the dependency of Volo.Abp.Imaging.ImageSharp": "8.1.3, it consist "SixLabors.ImageSharp": "3.0.2", (sharing screenshot for reference). SixLabors.ImageSharp's 3.0.2 version is vulnerable which is why it is not allowed to deploy in my organization. Could you please upgrade this with latest stable version. ABP Framework version: v8.1.1

UI Type:React

Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

Exception message and full stack trace:NA

Steps to reproduce the issue: NA


Yes, you don't need it. we refactored the new claims contributor system

Hi, thank you for the above links, I'm able to add custom claims now.


You need to add the claims manually.

Hi, right now I'm using below class for claim public class myAppUserClaimFactory : UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser, Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityRole>, ITransientDependency,

Is it not required now?


You need to add a scope for each

Hi, as suggested I have inserted data in OpenIddictScopes but earlier when I was using IdentityServerIdentity this was the data in my auth variable

"token_type":"Bearer","scope":"openid offline_access","profile":{"s_hash":"DS82_CYQtxmPC76J8Yjz_w","sid":"FFCD5C72C428640804F41F72DAFC8059","sub":"8405d374-ec46-1ed7-bc4d-3a04e58abcde","auth_time":1717402623,"idp":"local","preferred_username":"admin","given_name":"admin","amr":["pwd"]},"expires_at":1748939693

Now, I'm getting this in my auth variable "token_type":"Bearer","scope":"openid offline_access","profile":{"sub":"8405d374-ec46-1ed7-bc4d-3a04e58abcde","oi_au_id":"85c661bd-a8e3-f572-3657-3a12880f1aa6","azp":"eFC_App","oi_tkn_id":"6884f2bd-465d-19bb-d606-3a12ef7a0f53"},"expires_at":1717408376}

Is there any other change required to get all properties? I want to get preferred_username, given_name, auth_time etc. in Profile.



The table is OpenIddictScopes

In my IdentityServerIdentityResourceClaims table I have below fields

Type sub birthdate family_name gender given_name locale middle_name name nickname picture preferred_username profile updated_at website zoneinfo email email_verified address phone_number phone_number_verified role

In this table OpenIddictScopes, am I supposed to add above values in "Resources" column, if yes, will it be comma separate or 1 value in one row?

Recently, I have migrated IdentityServer to OpenIddict but after migration my UI is not loading as I'm not getting values of IdentityServerIdentityResourceClaims table, what is the table replacement for IdentityServerIdentityResourceClaims in OpenIddict.

ABP Framework version: v8.1.1

UI Type:React

Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes

Exception message and full stack trace:NA

Steps to reproduce the issue: Migrate from IdentityServer to OpenIddict


ok, Can you join the meeting and share your screen?

Sorry, I went out for lunch, can we connect now? or whatever time suits you. Thank a lot.


It will be best if you can share a simple project.

It would be difficult to create sample project with everything, I really appreciate if we can have a quick call.

Showing 1 to 10 of 59 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11