Activités de "hanntd"

Hi, The file authserver.pfx already exist:

I also didn't change AbpBackgroundJobs:

There is no-error if I host on IIS Windows Server for the same release. Thanks, Dharma

I have sent Program.cs to your email. Thanks.

I changed log level as you advised and sent the log to you already. Thanks, Dharma

Hi, I deployed my project to nginx on ubuntu for both Blazor and Api. It didn't record log to Logs folder in side Api folder. I have sent the log file (configured in conf of nginx) to your email. Thanks, Dharma

Hi, I deployed my Abp project (UI:Blazor Wasm) on Nginx Ubuntu. Blazor UI and Api run well, only a problem with authentication. If I leave appsetting.json of Api as default: "AuthServer": { "Authority": "", "RequireHttpsMetadata": "true", "SwaggerClientId": "eBiz_Swagger_Ubuntu" } When login it show this error: If I changed RequireHttpsMetadata to false and Auth Server Url withou https, when Blazor login will show this error and cannot login:

Please help me to fix this issue. Thanks Dharma

Hello Liangshiwei,

I'd like to reopen this ticket. I can add an extra property (blazor-url) into AuditLogging to keep blazor page url when calling Api. Now I'd like to get data from Auditlogging and can be filtered by blazor-url, for normal fields I can use AuditLogsAppService.GetListAsync(new GetAuditLogListDto { }) and filter but how can I apply filter for extra property such as blazor-url mentioned above?


Does ABP plan to add these features for Blazor? Is there anyway that I can use the backend of these features, the UI I will design and develop by myself. Thanks

Hi, I'm using ABP suite to generate ABP Application using Blazor Web Assemble UI. I'd like to add to the bottom of my Blazor page a Comment component so that use can input their comment, mention to other user, make reaction, rating... Can we use the similar component of CmsKit Pro in any blazor page within abp application? Thanks Dharma (Han Nguyen)

I have done successful as you what you guide. Thank you so much

Thanks, let me try.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on mars 25, 2024, 15:11