Activités de "masum.ulu"


Hi Abdulaziz_Alsaffar,

Can you share your package.json please ?


I've produce this problem and refunded your credit. I'll fix it. This Question will be ref. for my internal issue I'll notify when it's done.

Edited [2024-04-04]

Hi again, we've fixed this problem in 8.1.x version

Hi manuel42

Can you share a gif for the understand better this situtation, even if you select Boxed Layout option after native is it disappear and selecting Full Width option again ?

Hi akaziuka,

  • We don't have any boilerplate for iFrame yet we are not prevent to use it by your own project. Just need to be carefully about security part.
  • Also you can relate this enhancement with our tenant/feature/setting/permission system because you can reach this values via PermissionService | *abpPermission directive and ConfigStateServicein anywhere in your project.
  • If you want to patch our existing modules you need to customize them please check the document

Selamlar, hatayı re-produce edebildim. Bunun için internal bir issue oluşturuyorum soru hakkınızı da iade ediyorum.


npx ng generate @abp/ng.schematics:create-lib --package-name order-service --is-secondary-entrypoint false --is-module-template true --override true

komutunu çalıştırarak angular uygulamasına servisi ekleyebilirsin.

İlişkili PR:

Hi, what is your project name in angular.json file for this service can u please share ?

Hi can you please share your code ?


Hi kkmy,

I'm creating an issue for this thanks for share, it looks like ur credit already refunded. I've created issue I'm closing this question u can track at issue


Hi please remove @abp/ng.theme.lepton-x package in your package.json and re-install node_modules. lepon-x package is diff. theme package package also version matrix goes like

| ABP | Leptonx | | --- | --- | | 7.2.x | 2.2.x | | 7.3.x | 2.3.x | | 8.0.x | 3.0.x |

but in ur case u want to use ThemeLepton not LeptonX


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on mars 25, 2024, 15:11