Activités de "liangshiwei"

You can call the IUiPageProgressService in the class instead of page.


Yes, at the moment, the UiPageProgress component has not been loaded yet


ABP is not supported in this case, you can try overriding the EntityHistoryHelper:

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class CustomEntityHistoryHelper : EntityHistoryHelper

    public CustomEntityHistoryHelper(IAuditingStore auditingStore, IOptions<AbpAuditingOptions> options, IClock clock, IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, IAuditingHelper auditingHelper) : base(auditingStore, options, clock, jsonSerializer, auditingHelper)
    protected override List<EntityPropertyChangeInfo> GetPropertyChanges(EntityEntry entityEntry)
        var propertyChanges = base.GetPropertyChanges(entityEntry);

        foreach (ReferenceEntry reference in entityEntry.References)
            if (reference.TargetEntry == null)

            var referencePropertyChanges = GetPropertyChanges(reference.TargetEntry);

            foreach (EntityPropertyChangeInfo referencePropertyChange in referencePropertyChanges)
                referencePropertyChange.PropertyName = $"{reference.Metadata.Name}.{referencePropertyChange.PropertyName}";


        return propertyChanges;

You are right.

I create an issue:


If the entity adds the identityUser navigation property, then need to change.

So, I think you need to change them all.

If the entity adds the identityUser navigation property, then need to change


It should be IIdentityProDbContext

I looked at your project, and you want to add the IdentityUser navigation property, but your database context doesn't have an IdentityUser table.

You can refer to the standard application template configuration

You also need to add module dependencies to all module classes. (EntityframeworkModule, DomainModule, ApplicationModule etc....) For example:

You can upload to and share the link via email.

how to share sample project.

You can share the simple project via email.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on mars 25, 2024, 15:11