"christianharo" की गतिविधियाँ

Same problem with any project not just this one. even if i create one with with abp suite

Time Elapsed: 00:00:02.5816282 ========== Finished ==========

Error occurred while restoring NuGet packages: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: baseUrl [ABP Commercial NuGet Source] The source does not have a Search service!


Updgraded cli and suite and created a new project with Blazor as UI and can't build the project generates but is not able to build as is not able to find the packages it needs.

Blazorize >=0.9.3-preview2


And here is another error i am getting when updating packages from abp suite console


Generated a brand new project with blazor UI. Does this allow to register a new tentant? I am not able to find where this will be? also in the registration the logo on the top bring you bacl to swager



ABP Framework version: v4.0.00 UI type: Angular Identity Server Seperated (Angular): yes


Using Abp Commercial V4 and Angular as UI. What will be the best way to implement the following?

Suppose that Tenants are the schools , These schools have users as teachers, students and parents, I assume these will be Roles.

The Teachers will only be able to see their assigned students data, The Parents only their kids data and the Students only their own data.

First thing that comes in mind is Data Filters . I am wondering if this is correct way with ABP or what will be the recommended way. Also if there are any examples of this will be great.


Yes how to customize in Version 4 ( commercial )?

"An important note: As of v4, the Angular UI has no login page at all. It uses the MVC login page. So, replacing login component may prove redundant"

The login an registration ?


Thanks for the answer i assume will need to be a combination of data filters and roles as the security needs to be taken care of by the roles.


Looks like even if logged in as a host ... the previous tentant name is not refreshing on the application.


sorry forgot to add above that this is an angular client.


Created a brand new project Tier - Blazor as UI

Run the dbmigratior applicaiton Run the Host application and get the following error:

16 प्रविष्टियों में 1 से 10 दिखा रहा है
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11