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CSS for Blazorise Data Grid #7352

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cellero creato
  • ABP Framework version: v8.2.0-rc
  • UI Type: Blazor Web App

Can you please assist with the approach (CSS ??) for reducing the padding on each DataGrid row. I would like to reduce the white space on each row as it is takes up too much space. I am referring to the row areas marked in red below:

Presumably this will be achieved using CSS and will go in the main.css, I'd like assistance with the CSS markup


8 risposte
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    Anjali_Musmade creato
    Team di supporto Support Team Member


    Could you please provide steps to reproduce or any code snippet you use for grid?


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    cellero creato

    This is the default layout of a new project generated using ABP Suite - Blazor Web App 8.2.... This is not a new issue. It is the default behavior of the Blazorise DataGrid.

    You can reproduce this by creating a new Blazor project (any flavor of Blazor)

    I want to reduce the padding on each row.


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    Anjali_Musmade creato
    Team di supporto Support Team Member


    You may set padding in blazor-bundle.css file in the class

    .b-table.table tbody th, .b-table.table tbody td {
      padding: 1rem 1.25rem !important;
      vertical-align: middle;

    You can download LeaptonX source code and check for the code


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    cellero creato

    Hello, The blazor-bundle.css file is not part of the project. It only exists in the build output: So, I can't change it there, right?

    Can you please advise what project css file I can apply the suggested change.

    I have tried several in the Blazor and Blazor.Client + running the abp bundle command for the Blazor.Client.

    I don't want to download the LeptonX source

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    Anjali_Musmade creato
    Team di supporto Support Team Member


    You can create a custom css file under the wwwroot folder and add that custom css file to BundleContributor.

    Please refer to this similar issue for adding custom css files https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/5193/How-to-add-custom-CSS-files-in-solution-and-render-them or you may refer to this doc https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Blazor/Global-Scripts-Styles


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    brauerj@gc.adventist.org creato

    You may set padding in blazor-bundle.css file in the class

    .b-table.table tbody th, .b-table.table tbody td { 
      padding: 1rem 1.25rem !important; 
      vertical-align: middle; 

    But this changes it for the whole site! According to Blazorise we should be able to just do a custom class https://github.com/Megabit/Blazorise/discussions/2760

    .ise-grid-tight tbody tr td {
        padding: .25rem; !important;

    but this does NOT work because the LeptonX code overrides it!

    Why does blazor-bundle.css have the !important on that line?! That seems like the problem.


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    brauerj@gc.adventist.org creato

    Please let us know if this will be something you can fix or if we need to hack a work around somehow. If you have a hackable work around for now please suggest. The main issue seems to be that /_content/Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme/side-menu/css/blazor-bundle.css is not easily overridable and that its definition of b-table includes plenty of !important statements which are difficult to override.

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    cellero creato

    Ok thanks, but still no luck on the grid padding I can make changes in blazor-global-styles.css and they are reflected in the UI.

    For example, in the following css I used the background-color to test if the css is getting through and it does. But the padding change has not effect:

    What is happening is that the custom padding css is superseded by blazor-bundle.css:

    Please assist.


Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marzo 25, 2024, 15:11