Attività di "hardip"

Did not fix the issue


public virtual async Task OnGetAsync() 
    //ReturnUrl = GetRedirectUrl(ReturnUrl, ReturnUrlHash); 
    ReturnUrl = _configuration["App:BlazorUrl"]; 
    //TODO: It would be good to try to switch tenant if needed 
        await _accountAppService.ConfirmEmailAsync(new ConfirmEmailInput {UserId = UserId, Token = ConfirmationToken}); 

thank you, will test this.


Please the code of TVD_Holdings_Ltd.AvalancheOCP.HttpApi.Host\Pages\Account\EmailConfirmation.cshtml.cs as well.


   at Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Pages.Account.AvalancheOCPEmailConfirmationModel.OnGetAsync() in D:\Source\AvalancheOCP\Dev\src\TVD_Holdings_Ltd.AvalancheOCP.HttpApi.Host\Pages\Account\EmailConfirmation.cshtml.cs:line 46 

Sent in mail


I will confirm it.

Can you share the logs of backend?

Yes, sent mail(Subject - Confirm Email Link Error) with log file and details of the user id, time of the error.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.1
  • UI type:Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • **Tiered (MVC) **: yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: 404 Page not found. There is no entity IdentityUser with id = 3a0aeddd-c241-6619-17e4-c64fd1017f7f!
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:" Creating user from tenant side, the confirm email link gives the error : 404 Page not foundThere is no entity IdentityUser with id = 3a0aeddd-c241-6619-17e4-c64fd1017f7f!

When creating new user from the Host side the confirm email link works fine, but creating user from tenant side, the confirm email link does not work and gives the error

404 Page not foundThere is no entity IdentityUser with id = 3a0aeddd-c241-6619-17e4-c64fd1017f7f! \

Using the default components, does not extend/modify the account or user components.

refer :


You can try :


@using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection 
@using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components.Web.LeptonXTheme.Components.ApplicationLayout.Common 
@using System.Globalization 
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization 
@using Volo.Abp.LeptonX.Shared.Localization 
@inject IStringLocalizer<LeptonXResource> L 
@inherits GeneralSettings 
@attribute [ExposeServices(typeof(GeneralSettings))] 
@attribute [Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)] 
<div class="lpx-settings" id="lpx-settings"> 
  @if (HasMultipleStyles) 
  	<div id="appearance" class="setting-icon" data-lpx-setting-icon="appearance" data-lpx-setting-id="settings-context-menu"> 
  @if (HasContainerWidth) 
  	<div id="containerWidth" class="setting-icon" data-lpx-setting-icon="containerWidth" 
  		<div class="setting"> 
  			<i class="bi bi-layout-three-columns"></i> 
  <div id="language" class="setting-icon" data-lpx-setting-icon="language" 
  	<div class="setting"> 
  <div class="setting-icon"> 
  	<i class="bi bi-gear-wide-connected" aria-hidden="true" data-lpx-ctx-toggle="settings-context-menu"></i> 
  <div class="lpx-context-menu" data-lpx-context-menu="settings-context-menu"> 
  	<ul class="lpx-nav-menu" id="settings-routes"> 
  		<li class="outer-menu-item"> 
  			<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item"> 
  				<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"> 
  					<i class="lpx-icon outer-icon bi bi-gear-wide-connected" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
  				<span class="lpx-menu-item-text">@L["GeneralSettings"]</span> 
  				<span data-lpx-close="settings-context-menu"> 
  					<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-x outer-icon dd-icon" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
  		@if (HasMultipleStyles) 
  			<li class="outer-menu-item" hidden> 
  				<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting-group="appearance"> 
  		@if (HasContainerWidth) 
  			<li class="outer-menu-item"> 
  				<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting-group="containerWidth"> 
  					<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"> 
  						<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-aspect-ratio" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
  					<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["ContainerWidth"]</span> 
  					<i class="dd-icon hidden-in-hover-trigger lpx-caret bi-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
  				<ul class="lpx-inner-menu hidden-in-hover-trigger collapsed" data-id="containerWidth"> 
  					<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item"> 
  						<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting="boxed"> 
  							<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"><i class="lpx-icon bi bi-square" 
  							<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["ContainerWidth:Boxed"]</span> 
  					<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item"> 
  						<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item selected" data-lpx-setting="full"> 
  							<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"> 
  								<i class="lpx-icon bi bi-layout-three-columns" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
  							class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["ContainerWidth:FullWidth"]</span> 
  		<li class="outer-menu-item"> 
  			<a class="lpx-menu-item-link lpx-menu-item" data-lpx-setting-group="language"> 
  				<span class="lpx-menu-item-icon"><i class="lpx-icon bi bi-globe" aria-hidden="true"></i></span> 
  				<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@L["Language"]</span> 
  				<i class="dd-icon hidden-in-hover-trigger lpx-caret bi-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i> 
  			<ul class="lpx-inner-menu hidden-in-hover-trigger collapsed" data-id="language"> 
  				@if (HasLanguages) 
  					@foreach (var language in Languages) 
  						<li class="lpx-inner-menu-item"> 
  							<a class="lpx-menu-item-link@(language.CultureName == CurrentLanguage.CultureName ? " selected" : string.Empty)" 
  						@onclick="() => ChangeLanguageAsync(language)"> 
  								<span class="lpx-menu-item-text hidden-in-hover-trigger">@language.DisplayName / @(new 

thank you, liangshiwei

  • ABP Framework version: v7.1
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I want to remove the theme change option from the menutoolbar.

I tried to override the MainHeaderToolbar component and remove it from there. The List<RenderFragment>(); only has two object, one is "MainHeaderToolbarUserMenu" and other "GeneralSettings". It renders the "GeneralSettings" component altogether.

So how to remove the theme change option inside from it.


I have updated the code:

    new ApplicationMenuItem( 
        icon: "fa fa-chart-line", 
        order: 2 
        .WithCustomData("data-bs-placement", TooltipPlacement.Top) 
        .WithCustomData("data-bs-title", "Hello world") 

liangshiwei, it worked great, thanks a lot man.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.1.0
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

Does blazor have a feature of clearing all the cache of the all users/tenants from host tenant like in zero

I looked at the documentation of the but did not find it. Can we add this to blazor as well?


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marzo 25, 2024, 15:11