Attività di "lizhaofeng"

Hi @zhaof

downloadexcel missing remoteservice ,pls check it

Can you clarify this? Doesn't the as-excel-file api exist? Or is the url wrong?

hi yekalkan,

There is no problem if it is a single-tier program

But an error occurs if it is a multi-tier program. I think I should use remoteService

I created a Blazor project, followed the steps, but could not produce the error. If you are using a different step, please let me know.

hi gizem

Use Module Template to create a new page to get an error

Blazor project is ok

This error was found to only occur in blazor service ,use file.WriteToStreamAsync

I've created an internal issue about this. Thank you for reporting, The question credit is refunded.


downloadexcel missing remoteservice ,pls check it

Hi, Is OK Can you try downloading this file to check if the file name is right?!ArILR0PuqXwbrZsEgXvdPrlT3jstCQ?e=qZFPb4


1.Upload Files 2.Actions-Download 3.Save FIle(file name wrong)

Try changing the PC, the file name is still wrong

Trying Firefox is fine, Edge and Chrome are not


Here is a screenshot.

The comparison shows that there is no save as prompt, but directly download after clicking download.

hi maliming

It didn't work.

Can you try to use Configure?

Configure<OpenIddictServerAspNetCoreBuilder>(configure => 

After trying to add the following configuration, it works.

Configure(options => { options.DisableTransportSecurityRequirement = true; });


I've tried to use instead of , but unfortunately with the same result.

Serve your authserver under HTTP (without HTTPS redirection).

Confirm you have HTTP issuer under .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint.

Update your application's appsettings AuthServer section and set RequireHttpsMetadata to false.

Hi gterdem

Following the above practices was not successful, the following are error messages

error:invalid_request error_description:This server only accepts HTTPS requests. error_uri:

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