Atividades de "AndrewT"


@mladen.macanovic we had already upgraded to v4.3-RC WASM. What is required to go from 4.3 WASM to 4.3 Server?

@BassaSolutions - could you update later on your experience with 4.3 Server?

The performance is so bad we also feel stuck and are unsure about continuing the migration of other apps from aspnetzero.


What is required and the effort to migrate a blazor app from WASM back to a server side app? We are also finding the performance incredibly bad. Also WASM is single threaded so we expect issues with trying to run parallel processes, eg Audio and UI.

would be great to also include the integration with Stripe and Xero, so the whole billing payment cycle is clean and working out of the box.

Edition charge Units used (txt, space, users, records, etc).


@Alper - when is the next RC?

next week

@Alper - When it is final release? How can we get email working with longe keys in Blazor before then?


@Alper - when is the next RC?

We are using Blazor WASM and it is much slower to load (many 10's of seconds)... Once the application is running it is OK.

This is our first SPA as we are migrating products from Aspnetzero Core/MVC... Apart from getting it up to the same level of functionality, we hope the framework loading gets faster.


Cheers @Maliming ! - Now can you fix the login/impersonate a tenant user from the host side too like in ASPNetZero.. :)


Hi @maliming, yes, but we'd like a demo for multi-tenant that shows how to login to tenant without having to create subdomains, and where the username is unique, as per question in 917.

It would be good if we could have an explanation/demo for that. :)



@maliming - Is it possible to include the way to do unique user logins for multi-tenant in the demo you are building for this issue using sub domains?;

@maliming - I see this is closed, but still not answered? Can you help?

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