Atividades de "murat.yuceer"


Blazor-Server MongoDb

After migrate security-log page not work, throw error I found problem, if BrowserInfo field is null in AbpSecurityLogs table/collection, page not load because of null reference exception.

Maybe generate partial class could be option

  • ABP Framework version: v5.0.1
  • UI type: Blazor Server
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes

Hello, I create project with module template from suite. But I need to blazor Server Host project call remote service from api and should use identityserver not unified. Default Its create work unified. I trying to convert it but I stuck. When I click login button its not redriect identityserver project Show message like this

How can I say to suite, create module project but blazor server host should be work like web assembly(not unified)

Can you create module solution like this and send my email? project name is can be "Kuys.Module.EmployeeManagement"

We feed our microservices with modules. We are experiencing unexpected errors as we work this unified way.


My problem is, Blazor.Server.Host project is unified project. Its not work with HttpApi.Host and IdentityServer. Configured to run standalone default. I need to harmonize them.

Ok, got it. You need a tiered solution for Blazor-Server right?

Yes, thanks

Thanks, I did like this but I couldnt fix problem, what I missing, when I click login button its not redriect

Can you create example module project with tiered blazor server.

Just I need empty working module project with tiered hosted blazor server example I can give my email addresss

problem was account controller.

Hello, our pipelines not working because of yours server not work.

Mostrando 61 até 70 de 76 registros
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on março 25, 2024, 15:11