Aktivity „Sergei.Gorlovetsky“

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We have added menu in mobile view using following code, please let us know how we can add mobile view specific menu.


So we are trying to add notification as sub menu for mobile view, the issue is the menu is visible to both desktop and mobile view, is there any way we can only show menu in mobile view?

Hi, Thanks for all your help, the issue has been fixed now.

Hi, Please check in branch "521 SocialExternalLogin", we have separate identity server and the changes you suggested are all in that web application only.

Hi, we are in process of giving access to the repository we are working on, so you can check and give the proper solution.


Ok i have asked for it and we will let you soon for that



Thanks for your response & Sorry for late reply due to weekends,

We have congifured this solution but no luck ,look below screen

also face same error

while running project locally there is no any break points trigger in MyPaymentRequestAppService.cs method

Solutions configured is on right class library or something i missed?

Please let me know



Yes i also tried this but same issue


While integrating we face this issue

The type 'StripeOptions' exists in both 'Volo.Payment.Stripe.Domain, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' and 'Volo.Payment.Stripe.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

here our packages in identity server project

can you take a look?

Thanks in advance

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