Aktivity „Thiqah.Abp.Dev4“

what is the difference between .web and .web.public in terms of use cases ?

Is .web considred an admin site only ?

and .web.public for public end users ?


Yes, web.public is for your users.

If I used angular template with public website

what is the use case for angular app ? is it for admins ?


what is the use case for angular app ? is it for admins ?

Yes, We current only provide web.public of MVC UI

If i generate an entity with UI , it will be created in .web

I am consufed, is .web. or angular app for admins or for end users?

  • ABP Framework version: v6.2
  • UI type: Angular - Theme Lepton X

I created a custom layout and i want to use components like the navbar, and breadcrumb components from the lepton x theme

Dear maliming, my issue "how can I use components from the theme in my custom layout " i want to use components like the navbar, and breadcrumb components from the lepton x theme

  • UI type: Angular - Leptonx theme I have a commercial license as an enterprise and I want to download the source code of the lepton X theme to change colors and use theme components but after downloading the theme by abp get-source Volo.Abp.LeptonXTheme.Pro --version 1.0.0 I didn't find any open styling as (SASS) and i reviewed this session i found styles didn't exiting in my project

Thanks bro every thing is working correctly

how can I contact with team ??


We are about to complete our work on downloading the scss source files. I'll let you know when it's available

Thanks in advance

When update my angular project to version 13 @abp/ng.account": "~4.4.1", "@abp/ng.core": "~4.4.1", "@abp/ng.theme.basic": "~4.4.1", "@abp/ng.theme.shared": "~4.4.1", "@angular-material-components/datetime-picker": "^4.0.3", "@angular/animations": "13.3.12", "@angular/cdk": "^13.3.9", "@angular/common": "13.3.12", "@angular/compiler": "13.3.12", "@angular/core": "13.3.12", "@angular/forms": "13.3.12", "@angular/localize": "13.3.12", this error appear:-

./node_modules/@abp/ng.core/ivy_ngcc/fesm2015/abp-ng.core-locale.js:10:19-15:72 - Error: Module not found: Error: Package path ./locales is not exported from package /Users/imanhussien/Work/upgrade angular v /ManhFrontend/node_modules/@angular/common (see exports field in /Users/imanhussien/Work/upgrade angular v /ManhFrontend/node_modules/@angular/common/package.json)

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11