Aktivity „cunyong.yu@vskysoft.com“


This is my demo link: demo



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My email has been returned with the following response message: the mta server of volosoft.com -- aspmx.l.google.com( reply:552 5.3.4 Your message exceeded Google's message size limits. To view our message size guidelines, go to https://support.google.com/mail/?p=MaxSizeError 41be03b00d2f7-634103f7099si828128a12.391 - gsmtp at 2024-05-09 15:27:11


Could you please share a simple project with me? I will check it .thanks.

my email is shiwei.liang@volosoft.com

I have sent the demo to your email, please check it.

Can you provide me with a demo? Thank you!

The documentation for abp states that you call the interface on the Blazor page. I followed the documentation, but if this is incorrect, how do I call the api?

In this case, can I only fill in the user information in the Blazor project and then pass it to the interface?

I'm very sorry for missing it again. It has been sent to you via email.

I'm very sorry, I missed a decryption file. I have sent it to you via email.

  1. Start the "AuthenServer", "HttpApi. Host", and "Blazor. Server. Host" services.
  2. Log in to the 'admin' user on the page.
  3. Open the homepage of UserInfoDemo.
  4. Break the point in the GetAsync method of 'SampleAppService' to view details of _currentUser. Why there is no login user information in currentUser, or is there any other way to obtain it here.

hi I have sent the demo to your email.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11