Aktivity „sh_erfan“

Hi I have some predefined roles and seed them during migration. I want to add permissions to those roles during seed process. Docs recommend to define permission providers in Application.Contracts project, but PermissionDefenitionProvider are reflected while starting web project. I also moved them to Domain.Shared project, but not succeed. I will be glad if you give a good and standard solution for this scenario.

Thanks, This solved my problem What about edition features seed contributor? Do you have an example?

  • ABP Framework version: 5.2
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"
    • Create new project,
    • Override GetProfilePictureFile method of IAccountAppService in identity server project
    • Disable MultiTenant to get profile picture of user from another tenant

This is what I have done, but still getting default profile image

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
[ExposeServices(typeof(IAccountAppService), typeof(AccountAppService),
public class MyAccountAppService : AccountAppService
    public RecruitansAccountAppService(
    IdentityUserManager userManager,
    IAccountEmailer accountEmailer,
    IAccountPhoneService phoneService,
    IIdentityRoleRepository roleRepository,
    IdentitySecurityLogManager identitySecurityLogManager,
    IBlobContainer accountProfilePictureContainer,
    ISettingManager settingManager,
    IOptions identityOptions,
    IIdentitySecurityLogRepository securityLogRepository)
    : base(userManager, accountEmailer, phoneService, roleRepository, identitySecurityLogManager,
    accountProfilePictureContainer, settingManager, identityOptions, securityLogRepository)

    public override async Task<IRemoteStreamContent> GetProfilePictureFileAsync(Guid id)
        using (DataFilter.Disable<IMultiTenant>())
            return await base.GetProfilePictureFileAsync(id);

Thanks This solved the problem

public override async Task<IRemoteStreamContent> GetProfilePictureFileAsync(Guid id)
    Guid? targetTenantId = null;
    using (DataFilter.Disable<IMultiTenant>())
        var user = await UserRepository.FindAsync(id);
        targetTenantId = user.TenantId;

    using (CurrentTenant.Change(targetTenantId))
        return await base.GetProfilePictureFileAsync(id);

Hi Trying to implement DomanTenantResolver sample in my own project, everything is fine, except I cant use swagger in *HttpiApi.Host. Redirection from Identity back to api does not work. Neither with tenant available nor without tenant(host). I also tried to add OnChallenge event to JwtBearerOptions during configuration, but no success. I have no idea how to implement this. P.S: In your sample resolver, I cant event authorize with "web.getap.com:1234/swagger". In other words, api is out of reach.

Any help would be appreciated

  • ABP Framework version: 5.2.1
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes

Hi there

First simple scenario:

  • Head to DomainTenantResolver/MVC-TIERED
  • Add BookStore_Swagger client to appsettings.json in DbMigrator:
"IdentityServer": {
    "Clients": {
      "BookStore_Web": {
        "ClientId": "BookStore_Web",
        "ClientSecret": "1q2w3e*",
        "RootUrl": "https://{0}.web.getabp.net:44303"
      "BookStore_Swagger": {
        "ClientId": "BookStore_Swagger",
        "ClientSecret": "1q2w3e*",
        "RootUrl": "https://{0}.api.getabp.net:44302"
  • Add BookStore_Swagger client to IdentityDataSeedContributor.cs
//Web Client
var webClientId = configurationSection["BookStore_Web:ClientId"];
if (!webClientId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
	var webClientRootUrl = configurationSection["BookStore_Web:RootUrl"].EnsureEndsWith('/');

	/* BookStore_Web client is only needed if you created a tiered
	 * solution. Otherwise, you can delete this client. */

	await CreateClientAsync(
		name: webClientId,
		scopes: commonScopes,
		grantTypes: new[] { "hybrid" },
		secret: (configurationSection["BookStore_Web:ClientSecret"] ?? "1q2w3e*").Sha256(),
		redirectUri: $"{webClientRootUrl}signin-oidc",
		postLogoutRedirectUri: $"{webClientRootUrl}signout-callback-oidc",
		frontChannelLogoutUri: $"{webClientRootUrl}Account/FrontChannelLogout",
		corsOrigins: new[] { webClientRootUrl.RemovePostFix("/") }

// Swagger Client
var swaggerClientId = configurationSection["BookStore_Swagger:ClientId"];
if (!swaggerClientId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
	var swaggerRootUrl = configurationSection["BookStore_Swagger:RootUrl"].TrimEnd('/');

	await CreateClientAsync(
		name: swaggerClientId,
		scopes: commonScopes,
		grantTypes: new[] { "authorization_code" },
		secret: (configurationSection["Recruitans_Swagger:ClientSecret"] ?? "1q2w3e*").Sha256(),
		requireClientSecret: false,
		redirectUri: $"{swaggerRootUrl}/swagger/oauth2-redirect.html",
		corsOrigins: new[] { swaggerRootUrl.RemovePostFix("/") }
  • Run DbMigrator
  • Run multiple projects (ids, web,api)
  • Open swagger https://api.getabp.net:44302/swagger/index.html and try to authorize using host admin user. it fails on redirection.

This is the initial scenario that I cant use swagger api.

Actually this worked for me "https://*.api.getabp.net,https://*.web.getabp.net,https://api.getabp.net:44302" This is solution for host user authorization.

Now, the second part. How should we handle https://tenant1.api.getabp.net:44302/swagger/index.html for tenant1?

I want to implement resolver for web api project:

Configure<AbpTenantResolveOptions>(options =>

Then, I want to go to https://tenant1.api.getabp.net:44302/swagger/index.html When authorizing, I want to be automatically be directed to https://tenant.ids.getabp.net:44301 After that, redirect back to https://tenant1.api.getabp.net:44302/swagger/index.html Now, my swagger client is authorized and the active tenant is tenant1 Hence, current tenant id will tenant1 id. Just like web project.

Hope you understand

Thanks a lot This solved the problem Better to update sample to avoid future duplicate questions

  • ABP Framework version: 5.2.1
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes

Hi I tried to override some methods in AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService class as follow:

public class CustomApplicationConfigurationAppService :

        public CustomApplicationConfigurationAppService(
            IOptions<AbpLocalizationOptions> localizationOptions,
            IOptions<AbpMultiTenancyOptions> multiTenancyOptions,
            IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
            IAbpAuthorizationPolicyProvider abpAuthorizationPolicyProvider,
            IPermissionDefinitionManager permissionDefinitionManager,
            DefaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider defaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider,
            IPermissionChecker permissionChecker,
            IAuthorizationService authorizationService,
            ICurrentUser currentUser,
            ISettingProvider settingProvider,
            ISettingDefinitionManager settingDefinitionManager,
            IFeatureDefinitionManager featureDefinitionManager,
            ILanguageProvider languageProvider,
            ITimezoneProvider timezoneProvider,
            IOptions<AbpClockOptions> abpClockOptions,
            ICachedObjectExtensionsDtoService cachedObjectExtensionsDtoService)
            : base(localizationOptions, multiTenancyOptions, serviceProvider, abpAuthorizationPolicyProvider,
                permissionDefinitionManager, defaultAuthorizationPolicyProvider, permissionChecker,
                currentUser, settingProvider, settingDefinitionManager, featureDefinitionManager, languageProvider,
                timezoneProvider, abpClockOptions, cachedObjectExtensionsDtoService)


        protected override async Task<ApplicationLocalizationConfigurationDto> GetLocalizationConfigAsync()
            var localizationConfig = new ApplicationLocalizationConfigurationDto();
            return localizationConfig;


Add replaced using traditional style in my ApplicationModule.cs : context.Services.Replace(ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IAbpApplicationConfigurationAppService, CustomApplicationConfigurationAppService>());

when I GET /api/abp/application-configuration from swagger, the result is as expected and localization is empty: but when launching web project, the response from GET request to /Abp/ApplicationConfigurationScript contains all localization data:

Why is this happening? And what is the solution?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11