"surajlokhandemmew" 'in aktiviteleri

I had tried to install hangfire then it ddidnt work and since that time i am getting this error after removing hangfire.

hi initially it was wrong question, please answer what to do with this error?

ABP Framework version: v8.0.0

UI Type: MVC + Flutter

Database System: MongoDB

Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no

Below is the entity with recursion

how to add mongodb with hangfire? there is only one example with usesql as db provider.

and in dbmigrator i am getting error System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'normalizedName')'


public override async Task ProceedAsync()
	base.ReturnValue = await Proceed(base.Invocation, ProceedInfo).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

please help me on this asap


Sorry, my bad.

Should be IOptions<IdentityOptions> not IOptions<AbpIdentityOptions>

working thanks a lot

i am getting this error : using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;

Options must be derived from the Volo.Abp.Options.AbpDynamicOptionsManager`1!",

why this api (await _identityUserManager.AddPasswordAsync (userdetails,input.Password)).CheckErrors(); is asking for a password with non alphanumeric and upper case character when i have disabled it in settings.

does usermanager need ay permission?? and its this class right? IdentityUserManager

Below is the method

  public async Task<bool> PostUpdatePassword(UpdatePasswordDto input)
          var userdetails = await _identityRepository.FindByNormalizedUserNameAsync(input.userId);

          var query = await _verificationCodeRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
          VerificationCode val = new VerificationCode();
           val = query.Where(x => x.PhoneNumber == userdetails.PhoneNumber && x.Validity > DateTime.Now).OrderByDescending(x => x.Validity).FirstOrDefault();
          if (val.Code == input.Code)
             // var userdetails = await _identityUserRepository.GetAsync(userId);
              if (userdetails != null)
                  IdentityUserUpdatePasswordInput identityUserUpdatePasswordInput = new IdentityUserUpdatePasswordInput();
                  identityUserUpdatePasswordInput.NewPassword = input.Password;

                //   var userUpdateDto = ObjectMapper.Map<IdentityUserDto, IdentityUserUpdateDto>(userdetails);
                 await  _identityUserRepository.UpdatePasswordAsync(userdetails.Id, identityUserUpdatePasswordInput);
                 //  await _identityUserRepository.UpdateAsync(userdetails.Id, userUpdateDto);
                  return true;
                  return false;

              return false;

      catch (Exception e)
          throw new UserFriendlyException(e.Message);

i am getting exception on this line await _identityUserRepository.UpdatePasswordAsync(userdetails.Id, identityUserUpdatePasswordInput); actually its working on localhost but not on server

[AllowAnonymous] still not working getting authorization error

Not actually this one is simple string encryption , i am looking for complete payload encryption at client app and decryption on server basically more like middleware which can intercept all api requests and decrypt the payload before actually calling the api. the request will be encrypted at client app - mobile or angular whatever.

45 kayıttan 11 ile 20 arası gösteriliyor.
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11