"team.net" 'in aktiviteleri

looks like just adding the UseCookies = false, was not enough, i had to remove the bin folder manually and then rerun the project fix the issue.

well i did, also update the uri with our azure uri but it throwing me the error

i m sharing the project again. can you confirm it just to be at a safe end ******

HI the issue is still persistent at our end. https://sentientgeeks-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/p/ayan/EWYu3dPXDy9Is76BpzTiN9oBCqktp1Rx0YPR5UfBv131Cw?nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJPbmVEcml2ZUZvckJ1c2luZXNzIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXciLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJNeUZpbGVzTGlua0NvcHkifX0&e=wBDHJ3

Check this link ~~*************~~

can you check your mail?

can you check the email again. I have shared a new project which clearly demonstrate the issue. just to be clear it is working fine in android but not in IOS.

can you check that with a live server? we are using azure.

Hi i have shared the project at your mail address. can you check? mine is ayan@sentientgeeks.com


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11