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Issue with CMS Kit Pro in Blazor Full-Stack Web App UI in ABP Commercial Suite 8.2 #7457

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sderzi created
  • ABP Framework version: v8.2
  • UI Type: Blazor Full-Stack Web App UI
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:


I am experiencing an issue with integrating the CMS Kit Pro module into my new Blazor Full-Stack Web App UI generated using ABP Commercial Suite 8.2.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. I created a new Blazor Full-Stack Web App UI using the ABP Suite UI.
  2. The application was generated successfully and worked as expected.
  3. I then attempted to add the CMS Kit Pro module via the Commercial Suite UI.
  4. I followed the instructions provided, enabling all the CMS Pro features.
  5. I ran the application.

Observed Behavior:

  • The CMS menu in the left navigation appeared for a split second when I first ran the application but then disappeared.
  • The CMS menu is no longer visible.

Expected Behavior:

  • The CMS menu should be consistently visible in the left navigation after enabling the CMS Kit Pro features.

Additional Information:

  • ABP Commercial Suite Version: 8.2
  • UI Framework: Blazor Full-Stack Web App UI

I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    EngincanV created
    Support Team .NET Developer

    Hi, thanks for reporting this problem. We successfully identified the problem and will fix it asap. In the meantime, you can add the related CMS Kit Pro package to the Blazor.Client project as well. Btw, I have refunded your ticket.


  • User Avatar
    sderzi created

    Hi, thanks for reporting this problem. We successfully identified the problem and will fix it asap. In the meantime, you can add the related CMS Kit Pro package to the Blazor.Client project as well. Btw, I have refunded your ticket.


    Hi, Thank you for identifying the problem and issuing the refund. I appreciate your prompt response.

    I need a bit more clarification regarding the suggested workaround. When you mentioned adding the related CMS Kit Pro package to the Blazor.Client project, which package should I add to get CMS pro working, tried a handful of packages but none worked for me.

    Thank you

Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11