
I noticed that Abp installed some Serilog packages, one thread in support forum did mentioned about SerilogConfigurationHelper, but couldn't find it in source code.

My question is by modifying which place so that every AppService which has build in Logger property would have new SerigLog behavior. I believe the code below wouldn't change Logger's behavior. var log = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.RollingFile("log-{Date}.txt") .CreateLogger();

The integration services are non authorized endpoints and they should not be exposed to gateways.

There are two ways when using synchronous communication between microservices;

  • If you want to consume an exposed endpoint by a microservice which the internal service is authorized, you need to use client-credentials flow to make a request to the related microservice.
  • If your service is not authorized, you can use Integration services.

The suggested way is to write integration services spesifically for the related microservice interactions. You can check the Integration Services documentation.

I will update the documentation to include the integration services aswell.

If service is not authorized, and there is [Integration Service] for the an app service interface, from another microservice what to call this service, what the appsettings.json look like, just added to "RemoteServices" section?

The gateway has no routing for internal services by default, it should be 404 not found.

For inter-micro services communication, is there any special setting for [integration service] or just follow ABP's document regarding to communications between micro services.

if access CurrentTenant property, would it get the same value in Method1

I think that's fine, ABP will add the current tenant parameters when sending an internal request

Tenant Id currently is in Request header or in access token? I believe UserId are in access token.


It looks like use .InsertAysnc(entity,true) resolved the problem.


Inserted does return Id, line var dbData = repository.GetAsync(inserted.Id); throw exception, can not find entity with Id xxxxx in log, and that guid value is the Guid in MongoDb.


I don't recommend you do this, I think this may be a usage issue.

If you are willing to provide detailed steps or projects I will try to help you.

Don't have time to prepare sample project code. I get rid of MongoDb side JobLog entity and related code only keep one Micro Service has JobLog entity. Then the duplicate log is gone.

I have another question, when an event bus - event handler subscribe to an event, if the handler code has exception, the message is kept in the queue and keep sending to handler again and again? Is there a setting to set up the max try times or if handler failed, don't keep the message in the queue. (RabbitMQ distributed event bus) (


Could you provide the full steps or share a project to reproduce the problem? I will check it. my email is

How about disable Abp's auto route binding for a MicroService?

Thanks. So our controller code should be fine. Need to investigate why the second call failed, the code was working without problem before.


If several messages published to the event bus in a short period, would the event handling process all the messages without loosing any message when doesn't use the Outbox? Please read more about RabbitMQ Reliability

Hi All the API instances will listen to those message but they have to be configure on the same channel You can try this easy sample

you can read more about When should use outbox when shouldn't use outbox?

For item2 I means this page: Pre-requirements The outbox/inbox system uses the distributed lock system to handle concurrency when you run multiple instances of your application/service. So, you should configure the distributed lock system with one of the providers as explained in this document. The outbox/inbox system supports Entity Framework Core (EF Core) and MongoDB database providers out of the box. So, your applications should use one of these database providers. For other database providers, see the Implementing a Custom Database Provider section.

We do have Multiple instances of microservices, what does configure 'distributed lock system' means?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 三月 25, 2024, 15:11