Activities of "hikalkan"


Can you try to install the latest .net core SDK (v3.1.102)?

  • Check package.json, it should have using @volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.lepton 2.4.0

  • Run yarn on the command line (in the folder containing your web project)

  • Run gulp

This will restore missing files.


This UI is used to manage clients. You can create new clients of edit existing ones.

YourProjectName_Web is a pre-defined client used by the Angular UI. Be careful on editing it, since your application may not properly work if you remove some necessary resources from this client.

You can define new clients here. When you define a new client, then you (or anyone you've shared it) can connect to your application with this new client.

If you are not sure what a client is, please refer to the IdentityServer documentation: If you are new to IDS, the big picture and the termonilogy documents are good points to start with.

Unfortunately, IDS and OAuth are complex, and you need to understand it to customize. ABP Commercial makes it easy by providing UI and pre-defined configuration for you.

BTW, if you want to remove the IdentityServer module from your system and use another Identity Server (like Azure AD), it is another topic. We use standard Identity and IdentityServer libraries, so you can find documents on the web. Since they are not our products, we don't provide advanced support for them as a part of the standard ABP Commercial support.

If you have a specific question, however, we will try to help you.


Great explanation :)


Thanks @AndrewT for your feedback.


Blazor has a very high priority in our road map among major works.

If AppUser has ExtraProperties property and AppUserDto doesn't have this property, then AutoMapper throws such a validation error. So, this is an expected case. You can ignore it or create ExtraProperties in your DTO, based on your business requirement.

I suggest to not define navigation properties to the AppUser (in DDD, this is not a good practice). However, if you really want it, the explanation mentioned by @alper can be implemented.

what is a best practice for this use case in DDD

If you want to truely implement DDD, you can see my presentation: It also covers your question.

I don't think creating and maintaining multiple user entities is very practical.

Never do that. Just add "Guid UserId" (a reference) instead of "AppUser User" (navigation property). You then need to make join LINQ if you want to access a user related to a ticket.

However, it is still possible to add a navigation property, but you should understand the migration system that we've created. Unfortunately it is not easy to create such a modolar systems with EF Core, so it has some little difficulties to use. See this document as a reference:


Thanks @vrajasekaran for your suggestion. We will create a module development tutorial soon, that will be much better.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.3.0-preview Updated on května 31, 2024, 09:46