"james@melvin.tech" की गतिविधियाँ

Thanks for the pointer. At this point, I'm simply trying to get the entire solution running with the commercial template in MongoDB. For clarity, ill mention each step. I ran the following command. abp new TestApi -t microservice-pro -u mvc The solution is created. I then navigated to etc\docker after i signed all the ps1files and ran up.ps1. All containers are created and show in docker desktop. I then built the solution by navigating to the solution root and running dotnet build. It completes with "Build succeeded." I then ran .\run-tye.ps1 As i have a valid HTTPS certificate that is already present, it prints this out. I checked each link and it loads the relavant site or swagger. I navigated to http://localhost:15672/#/connections and all connections are running and there are 9 Queues. If i navigate to http://localhost:9200/ it shows me the json.

The next part gets confusing. I navigated to http://localhost:5601/ which then gives me some options. Looking at the documentation from https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/startup-templates/microservice/infrastructure the image shows the discover tab so i navigated to that tab. Nothing is logged so i checked http://localhost:9090/targets in Prometheusand it shows the following. Basically all the sites say Get "https://administration-service:443/metrics": context deadline exceeded etc The documentation says "If you are not running the solution on docker, you may have to change the prometheus static_config targets such as -targets: ['auth-server'] to -targets: ['host.docker.internal:44322']" BUT i am running docker.

As such i cant get the solution working with logging before even attempting to migrate to MongoDB. Thanks James PS The original question still stands in that the documentation at https://docs.abp.io/en/commercial/latest/guides/microservice-mongodb is for 4.4.4 not 5.0.1


Uninstalled CLI and suite. Checked my tools folder. Deleted it. Deleted my cache. Created a new project. Added one simple entity. Run tests. Failed. Okay, so then in frustration, I think your template is broken. Let me try the one on the site. Its so bad, it includes the Entity Framework model in the MongoDb solution. Can someone send me 1 project with any namespace and 1 entity where the tests work maybe. Tests dont work on the public download either.


The issue happens on seeding. If I skip seeding, it works. Well works until a test runs that expected that seeding to run. Its consistent. Mongo2Go may be the issue in my case. I simply cant seed it seems.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11