Atividades de "pkouame"

Hi - any news on this : migrations and database updates from abp suite dont' work on macOS.


an update...

looks like there are definitely some tooling issues with abp suite migrations (at least on the mac)

I got around this manually by:

dotnet-ef migrations add "your migration name here" dotnet-ef database update

in EntityFrameWorkCore.DbMigrations after adding an appsettings.json with my connections (copied from DbMigrator)

my previous question on linux/macos testing still holds...

Hi - this is a brand new commercial solution and the suite is up to date (v2.8). Has this been tested on my platform?

on macOS Catalina dotnet 3.1 v2.8 visual studio code dotnet --version 3.1.201 node -v v12.16.3 npm -v 6.14.4

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on março 25, 2024, 15:11