Activities of "Spospisil"


I need an update on this please


I'm a little confused. Are you saying I have to manually show/hide the indicator on every page I want this indicator? According to ABP's documentation I shouldn't have to.

"By default you don't need to do anything to show the progress indicator, as all the work is done automatically by the ABP Framework internals. This means that all calls to the ABP backend (through your HTTP API) will activate page progress and show the loading indicator."


Thank you. That was the solution to my issue.

Again, a full working sample of how to accomplish this for my project type (listed in the initial request), would eliminate this back and forth.


Please be specific and not so vague with your responses. By "Back-End" which projects specifically do each of those classes go in? Again I'm trying to get a crystal clear response from you so I don't have to waste time 'guessing' what you mean.


It appears you do not understand what I am asking for here, so I'll repeat what I said in the initial request.

"I want the Blazor WASM to be able to automatically popup a model window when some event happens in the system. For example if a separate application calls my applications API (ABP generated), and publishes and 'event' using the distributedeventbus, can I have the Blazor WASM UI 'listen/handle' that event and make something visually happen"

You're sample code DOES NOT give an example of how to do this as it expects the blazor UI component to 'send' the message to the UI of which it is already located in and quite honestly the code for the Chat module only shows how to do this with a separate signalR host which is NOT what I want to do here.

It is extremally confusing as to what code needs to go where in a tiered application templates solution structure and of course there is no documentation that details this....unless you just want to use the 'chat' module which I do not and even at that it's not what I'm asking for an example here.

Use .Blazor.WebAssembly if your project is Blazor WebAssembly UI

For WHAT? What am I suppose to use this for? Again, my project is based on the application template type so there isn't even a Blazor.WebAssembly project in my solution!!!


Again, you're not understanding. In my application there is no .WebAssembly project type because it was was generated as an Application template type, however in the 'Module' template type's generated code there is a .WebAssembly project. So I'll ask again, what is the purpose of this project type and more importantly why is it not mentioned anywhere in the documentation?

You say things should be 'easily understood' but you are assuming an expert knowledge of your framework and with documentation is less than sufficient at explaining how all the dots are connected, users of your framework are forced to search support questions and blog posts for a better understanding of how things are connected. Even example source code examples provide vary in their implementation and not well explained. "just do it like this" is the general message that often gets communicated without any detailed explanation.

Very frustrating!


I'm not sure you understand my question. In ABP generated module project there is a project named xxxx.WebAssembly which appears the solution. For example below is a screenshot of the Chat modules solution structure. What is the purpose of this project and what sort of code would you put in there? There is no documentation on what this project is and what it should be used for.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11