Activities of "rwright-ruhealth"

BUG since 4.3 version when will you fix it? Please credit back my bug questions . Please provide a BUG credit for

  • ABP Framework version: v7.4.2
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): MVC Tiered
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue: Create a new Application with ABP Suite specifying multi-tenant
  • Add a new tenant.
  • Even after running migrations you are not able to login as the admin account for the tenant. Error message is account not found.
  • The password is never created and the account is not created.
  • The solution is to use this workaround: Workaround to cannot create a new tenant

Please fix this issue as it still exists in v7.4.2 commercial and there is no documentation for implementers letting them know this is still a bug, unless you search and search for the solution in the support forum.

Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter. Also, need a credit for this issue.

The CSS z-index setting solves the problem. Please do not count against our support allotment. Thank you for your quick response.

Check the docs before asking a question: Check the samples to see the basic tasks: The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, and please first use the search on the homepage. Provide us with the following info:

  • ABP Framework version: v7.4.2
  • UI Type: Angular / MVC / Blazor WASM / Blazor Server: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): TIERED MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace: NONE
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • Please do not count against my alloted supported questions.

Create an app with abp-suite use Generic Bootstrap theme. RUN app. Login as admin. Edit the Languages and attempt to change the Flag Icon. The list of Flags appears under the Edit screen form and is thus not editable or selectable. BUG? Abp-suite generic bootstrap theme Languages: Flag Dropdown is UNDER the Language Edit window.

the tag <suite-custom-code-block-1>...</suite-custom-code-block-1> is never generated when I choose to generate the page without creating a new entity in the database. This is an existing project upgraded to the 7.4 rc-4. I am trying to get the suite-custom-code-block-# tags to generate in the existing page, which does get regenerated. However, the custom code block tags are not created in the page. If I create a new entity, the suite-custom-code-block-# tag comments are sprinkled throughout the .cshtml page. seems to be ignored when I regenerate code wrapped in this tag in a .cshtml page. I have checked the customizable checkbox in ABP Suite. The .cshtml page is recreated completely, wiping out any change wrapped in the custom code block tags for existing pages that I manually add these tags to, since APB SUITE does not add them when regenerated.

Hi, I have re-checked it again and it seems there is not any problem here. You should have added the code block as follows:

Correct ✅

    <h1>customizated content</h1> 

Wrong ❌

    <h1>Custom Code</h1> 

Our placeholder is //<suite-custom-code-block-n>, please try with this placeholder and you will see that it's working as expected.

APB Team; The reason I believe this to still be a bug is because: A: The ABP Suite generates the .extended.cs class for existing projects when you check the Customizable Code checkbox. But, it's only half complete. It does not regenerate the pages and javascript files correctly. The .cshtml pages get regenerated but there are no @//<suite-custom-code-block-x>@ @//</suite-custom-code-block-x>@ tags. Why regenerate the main class and create the .extended.cs file if you are going to neglect to regenerate the cshtml and javascript code without the custom code blocks? The same for the javascript files. //<suite-custom-code-block-x> //</suite-custom-code-block-x> blocks are not generated in the freshly regenerated javascript code. It leaves the solution half-baked. Can this issue be fixed? Also, it really shouldn't be counted against my support questions. Thank you for looking into this.

Hello rwright-ruhealth,

could you please check this link

Here instead of controller you need to add code in code behind i.e. *.cshtml.cs or Model.

please do let me know if it helps you

Thank you, Anjali

Good day; I did something similar after researching documentation using the select2 combo and razor pages. The problem I ran into is my custom code gets clobbered by ABP suite when I regenerate the page. I was thinking there must be an ABP way to do it that I wasn't aware of. Now that I upgraded to version 7.4 rc5 I am going to try again using the custom code blocks comment tags to see if I can keep my changes. I figured out some of the tricks to working with the custom code blocks so far. See my write up in this support question. [Question #5892](

Thank you for your followup. I will await documentation. Meanwhile, I will also wxplore templates as well.

the tag <suite-custom-code-block-1>...</suite-custom-code-block-1> is never generated when I choose to generate the page without creating a new entity in the database. This is an existing project upgraded to the 7.4 rc-4. I am trying to get the suite-custom-code-block-# tags to generate in the existing page, which does get regenerated. However, the custom code block tags are not created in the page. If I create a new entity, the suite-custom-code-block-# tag comments are sprinkled throughout the .cshtml page. seems to be ignored when I regenerate code wrapped in this tag in a .cshtml page. I have checked the customizable checkbox in ABP Suite. The .cshtml page is recreated completely, wiping out any change wrapped in the custom code block tags for existing pages that I manually add these tags to, since APB SUITE does not add them when regenerated.

Hi, I have re-checked it again and it seems there is not any problem here. You should have added the code block as follows:

Correct ✅

    <h1>customizated content</h1> 

Wrong ❌

    <h1>Custom Code</h1> 

Our placeholder is //<suite-custom-code-block-n>, please try with this placeholder and you will see that it's working as expected.

I disagree with your answer: The custom-code-block-1 will not work in your example because the html you show will be placed in the @section styles { ... } section which gets placed in the <head> ... ..</head> tag when you regenerate the page in ABP SUITE, losing all changes. It seems these custom-code-block tags are expected to be used in specific locations in the page beyond the user's control.

I will give an example. I have placed the following custom code blocks in a page. just above the starting abp-card tag and below the last @section content_toolbar { section } in books tutorial books index page .cshtml file:

@//<suite-custom-code-block-1>@ <h1>custom block 1</h1> @//</suite-custom-code-block-1>@ @//<suite-custom-code-block-2>@ <h2>custom block 2</h2> @//</suite-custom-code-block-2>@ @//<suite-custom-code-block-3>@ <h3>custom block 3</h3> @//</suite-custom-code-block-3>@ @//<suite-custom-code-block-4>@ <h4>custom block 4</h4> @//</suite-custom-code-block-4>@ @//<suite-custom-code-block-5>@ <h5>custom block 5</h5> @//</suite-custom-code-block-5>@ @//<suite-custom-code-block-6>@ <h6>custom block 6</h6> @//</suite-custom-code-block-6>@

When I use ABP Suite to regenerate the page (using a simple books tutorial book page this is what I get:

@section styles { @//<suite-custom-code-block-1>@ <h1>custom block 1</h1> @//</suite-custom-code-block-1>@ }

@section scripts { <abp-script src="/Pages/Books/index.js" /> @//<suite-custom-code-block-2>@ <h2>custom block 2</h2> @//</suite-custom-code-block-2>@ }

@section content_toolbar { <abp-button id="ExportToExcelButton" text="@L["ExportToExcel"].Value" icon="download" size="Small" button-type="Primary" /> @if (await Authorization.IsGrantedAsync(GranTrakPermissions.Books.Create)) { <abp-button id="NewBookButton" text="@L["NewBook"].Value" icon="plus" size="Small" button-type="Primary" /> } @//<suite-custom-code-block-3>@ <h3>custom block 3</h3> @//</suite-custom-code-block-3>@ }

@//<suite-custom-code-block-4>@ <h4>custom block 4</h4> @//</suite-custom-code-block-4>@

<abp-card> <abp-card-body> <abp-row class="mb-3"> <abp-column size-md="_12"> <form id="SearchForm" autocomplete="off"> <div class="input-group"> <input class="form-control page-search-filter-text" id="FilterText" placeholder="@L["Search"]"/> <abp-button button-type="Primary" type="submit" icon="search"/> </div> </form> </abp-column> <abp-column size-md="_12" class="mt-3"> <a href="javascript:;" id="AdvancedFilterSectionToggler" class="text-decoration-none">@L["SeeAdvancedFilters"]</a> </abp-column> </abp-row>

    &lt;abp-row id=&quot;AdvancedFilterSection&quot; style=&quot;display: none;&quot;&gt;
        &lt;abp-column size=&quot;_3&quot;&gt;
            &lt;abp-input asp-for=&quot;TitleFilter&quot; label=&quot;@L[&quot;Title&quot;].Value&quot; /&gt;
        &lt;abp-column size=&quot;_3&quot;&gt;
            &lt;abp-input asp-for=&quot;AuthorNameFilter&quot; label=&quot;@L[&quot;AuthorName&quot;].Value&quot; /&gt;

@//<suite-custom-code-block-5>@ <h5>custom block 5</h5> @//</suite-custom-code-block-5>@ </abp-row>

    &lt;abp-table striped-rows=&quot;true&quot; id=&quot;BooksTable&quot;&gt;

@//<suite-custom-code-block-6>@ <h6>custom block 6</h6> @//</suite-custom-code-block-6>@ </tr> </thead> </abp-table> </abp-card-body> </abp-card>

Not what I was expecting. Is this expected behavior? It appears to me the custom code blocks place themselves at certain points in the page and the user has no control over where these blocks are placed. So, at this point we seem to be stuck with using the code block points as and if they are generated by ABP Suite.

At the very least, I have figured out how to the get the code blocks to stay when I create them in existing pages. My steps are: Create all 6 code custom code block points, as above using VSCode or Visual Studio to edit the .cshtml page. After editing save the page. Then use abp-suite to regenerate the items, etc and ABP Suite will move all of the code blocks to where it expects to find them. ABP Suite will not, however add items 2-6 for example, if you only put @//<suite-custom-code-block-1>@ @//</suite-custom-code-block-1>@ ABP Suite will only create this block and it places item 1 in the @ section styles { ... }

The same thing will happen if you just put code block 6 only in your razor page @//<suite-custom-code-block-6>@ @//</suite-custom-code-block-6>@ custom code block 6 will get moved to below the thead/tr/th columns and above the closing thead/tr tag custom code blocks 1-5 will not get added.

Finding this stuff out by trial and error as there is no documentation. Thank you.

  • ABP Framework version: vX7..4.0 rc4
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core SQL Server
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Tiered
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Need more documentation on this tag:

the tag <suite-custom-code-block-1>...</suite-custom-code-block-1> is never generated when I choose to generate the page without creating a new entity in the database. This is an existing project upgraded to the 7.4 rc-4. I am trying to get the suite-custom-code-block-# tags to generate in the existing page, which does get regenerated. However, the custom code block tags are not created in the page. If I create a new entity, the suite-custom-code-block-# tag comments are sprinkled throughout the .cshtml page. seems to be ignored when I regenerate code wrapped in this tag in a .cshtml page. I have checked the customizable checkbox in ABP Suite. The .cshtml page is recreated completely, wiping out any change wrapped in the custom code block tags for existing pages that I manually add these tags to, since APB SUITE does not add them when regenerated.

Thank you.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Tiered MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

I would like to have the drop down (multi-select) in MVC prompt the user when an item is not found in the list. Behind the scenes, the MVC razor select is rendered using select2 library and it creates a select2 role="combobox" list control. How to add an item to the list and database if not found in list with out exiting the modal dialog? Can you point me to some code that is tried and proven? I am sure this is a recurring issue for many. I use ABP suite to generate the basic shell for my items and then heavily modify from there. ABP suite is not usable after making custom mods as it wipes them out in version 7.3.2.

Thank you.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11