Activities of "vipulbuoyancy"

Do you have any planning to add image viewer or kind of gallery in File Management Module? It would be great if we can display thumbnail of image in the list & then allow user to open in full view & traverse next/previous.

Thank you.

Hi @maliming, I make it working. Thank you so much for all your help.

Thank you @maliming for your help. Can we use the file management component as a child component in other page?

Hi @maliming, Thank you for your reply. I got how to manage the files & folder programmatically.

Can you please help me how to override the getall api of file management module? Like I just want to display files & folder of specific folder instead of all folders by default.

Or is there any way so I can use the UI of file management module and use my api to get list of files & folders?

Thank you.

Ok thanks for clarification. It is uploading file in the azure. Can you please help me, if I can have any way to manage the organize data in azure?

Also, If I want to upload a file from coding, do we have any accessible method of file management module to create folder in file management module? So I can have track of all the documents uploaded from code in file management module.

Thank you so much for your help.

oh okay, so you mean, If I upload a file inside that folder it will go to azure, right?

Hi @maliming, I tried to creating a new clean project but getting some error in lepton theme, may be because of version. But you can try from your end.

I have followed below steps

  1. Created a new project
  2. Added File Management Module
  3. Added "Volo.Abp.BlobStoring.Azure" package in Api.Host project
  4. Added below code in ApiHostModule.cs file
private void ConfigureAzureBlob(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
        options.Containers.ConfigureDefault(c =>
            c.UseAzure(container =>
                container.ConnectionString = configuration["Azure:BlobConnectionString"];
                container.ContainerName = configuration["Azure:BlobContainerName"];
                container.CreateContainerIfNotExists = true;

        options.Containers.Configure<FileManagementContainer>(c =>
            c.UseAzure(container =>
                container.ConnectionString = configuration["Azure:BlobConnectionString"];
                container.ContainerName = configuration["Azure:BlobContainerName"];
                container.CreateContainerIfNotExists = true;
                // Add other configurations as needed
  1. Call above method from ConfigureServices method.
  2. Run the Api Project & Angular project
  3. When I open the File Management UI page. I am expecting the folders & files should come from my Azure container. Also When I create a new folder it should create the folder in Azure blob container. But it is adding the entry in FmDirectoryDescriptors table in the database.

Please help me what I am doing wrong.

Thank you.

Sure, I will share the test project in sometime. Meanwhile can you please help me which is the right project to add the above configuration from these 3 Domain, Application & APIHost?

Thank you.

Hi @maliming,

I have used below code for Azure configuration. I have tried by adding below code in Domain, Application & APIHost module.

Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options =>
    options.Containers.ConfigureDefault(c =>
        c.UseAzure(container =>
            container.ConnectionString = configuration["Azure:BlobConnectionString"];
            container.ContainerName = configuration["Azure:BlobContainerName"];
            container.CreateContainerIfNotExists = true;
    options.Containers.Configure<FileManagementContainer>(c =>
        c.UseAzure(container =>
            container.ConnectionString = configuration["Azure:BlobConnectionString"];
            container.ContainerName = configuration["Azure:BlobContainerName"];
            container.CreateContainerIfNotExists = true;
            // Add other configurations as needed


Thank you for support

I need a login URL and send an email include the URL. Users should click on the login url from email and redirect to the login page with the selected tenant.


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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11