Käyttäjän "ismcagdas" toiminnot


Do you have Nuget.Config in the source code used in your build server ? Your NuGet.Config file must include abp.io nuget source specific to your account. It should be something like this;

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" />

Great to hear that :)

Hi @ismailyildirim

Could you send an email to info@abp.io about this ?


Hi @LevanM

It is alredy open source (https://github.com/abpframework/abp/), couldn't understand what you are asking for, sorry. Could you explain a bit more detailed ?


Hi @ismailyildirim

You can download source code of NuGet packages using abp get-source [Module-Name] command. Here are avaialbe module names at the moment;

  • Volo.Account
  • Volo.AuditLogging
  • Volo.BackgroundJobs
  • Volo.Blogging
  • Volo.Docs
  • Volo.FeatureManagement
  • Volo.Identity
  • Volo.IdentityServer
  • Volo.PermissionManagement
  • Volo.SettingManagement
  • Volo.TenantManagement
  • Volo.Users
  • Volo.Docs.Admin
  • Volo.Account.Pro
  • Volo.AuditLogging.Ui
  • Volo.Identity.Pro
  • Volo.Identityserver.Ui
  • Volo.LanguageManagement
  • Volo.Saas
  • Volo.EmailManagement
  • Volo.LeptonTheme

We will share source code of NPM packages via email with you.


You can configure it like this;

Configure<IdentityServerOptions>(options => { options.IssuerUri = "Your issuer URL"; });

Hi @geffzhang

I have shared the NG package source code via email. Could you try again downloading Volo.Docs.Admin module ? It might be a temporary problem.


Great :). Downloading source code of NPM packages via CLI will be added soon as well.


Related packages have been unlisted.


For the first problem, you need to define ExtraProperties like below;

paymentRequestDto.Products.Add(new PaymentRequestProductCreateDto
    Code = "001",
    Count = Product1Count,
    Name = "Personal License",
    UnitPrice = 999,
    TotalPrice = Product1Count * 999,
    ExtraProperties = new Dictionary<string, IPaymentRequestProductExtraParameterConfiguration>
            new TwoCheckoutPaymentRequestProductExtraParameterConfiguration
                ProductCode = "2Checkout_Product_Code"

In order to do that, you first need to create a product on 2Checkout.

For your second question, MyPaymentGateway must be a class which implements IPaymentGateway. This class will be used to validate the status of the payment when user (customer) is redirected back to your website from payment gateway. If MyPaymentGateway's IsValid method returns true, status of PaymentRequest is also set to success on your database and user will be redirected to CallbackUrl of your payment options which you must configure like below;

Configure<PaymentWebOptions>(options =>
                options.RootUrl = configuration["AppSelfUrl"];
                options.CallbackUrl = "AN_URL_ON_YOUR_APP";
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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on maaliskuuta 25, 2024, 15.11