Attività di "maliming"

Thanks improwise

hi @cellero @improwise

I have created a new Blazor Web App project in ABP Suite using 8.2.0-rc.3. I periodically get this message when starting the project. Refreshing the page fixes the problem and I can carry on.

I will confirm this problem. Thank your for your feedback.

I ran the test, and it worked.


I haven't tried it.

ok, Can you set a breakpoint to see if your code is executed?


I saw you closed the question. Have you solved it?



This area is Breadcrumbscomponent, it will always show on desktop and mobile views.


I have pushed the new commit

You can update the local user phone number during Login by override the OnGetExternalLoginCallbackAsync method of LoginModel or OpenIddictSupportedLoginModel

Where is your code for updating the local user's phone number?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marzo 25, 2024, 15:11