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UpdateAsync in Test Method is not updating a sub entity of an AggregateRoot #1697

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agilmore criada
  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.2
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core

I have the following test method in a test class that derives from AppDomainTestBase

The Column class is managed through the EntityInstance AggregateRoot.

The EntityInstance class has the following AddColumn method:

The AppEfCoreQueryableExtensions class includes:

And the EfCoreEntityInstanceRepository class contains:

So why doesn't ...

return the entity.Columns collection ?

Is it because of Unit of Work ?

By the way I was blocked from submitting this issue with the code embedded as text.

8 resposta (s)
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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer


    Your code seems no problem. Can you share a project that can reproduce?

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    agilmore criada

    Is there a way to provide my Project privately ?

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer



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    agilmore criada

    I've sent the project by email.

    By the way, the Test class that contains the Test method is "EntityInstanceManager_Tests" in the Datansa.App.Domain.Tests project under the "Solution" folder.

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer


    Can you try to use UOW?

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    agilmore criada


    Yes that worked. So the issue was, in the Test class there was no ambient UOW, as there would be in an ApplicationService class.

    Thanks for your help.

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    You're welcome~

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    ServiceBot criada
    Equipe de Apoio Automatic process manager

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on março 25, 2024, 15:11