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Identity server taking time(more than 30secs) to login and very slow #1702

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Shoba24 criada
  • ABP Framework version: v4.3.3
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

we use tiered solution(mvc).In web project ,when i login ,it takes more than 30secs time to reach identity server and login into site.we want to reduce this time and speed up login.can you please solve this issue?

16 resposta (s)
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    liangshiwei criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer


    How we reproduce the problem? can you provide steps? thanks.

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    Shoba24 criada

    we already shared our code to @maliming .you can check it for further clarification.

    i). Go to Login page ii). Enter the valid 'Username' and 'Password'(eg.,admin) and click 'Login' button iii). Check the processing time for login and enter into the dashboard page.

    If u want we can share screencast video to ur mail.

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    it takes more than 30secs time to reach identity server and login into site.

    Please check your logs. You can get every info from it.

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    Shoba24 criada

    yes we tried but we can't solve this issue

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    You can share your logs here.

    Web, IDS, API.

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    Shoba24 criada

    Log files shared.

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer


    It seems that EF reading and writing (database) may be slow, can you confirm? Is it the same issue when you log in locally?

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    Shoba24 criada


    It takes 17-20secs when login locally.

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    Is your redis server works? by default,

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    Shoba24 criada


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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    Please share a project and steps to reproduce the problem. liming.ma@volosoft.com

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    Shoba24 criada

    Already shared our code to you via one drive GenieERP dt.,AUG 9

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    I can't reproduce, I think this is related to your local environment.

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    Shoba24 criada


    We have used Azure db and we hosted our application in azure app services(basic plan).we think, thats y site is taking much time..Hence Is there any recommended way to use these platform efficiently in abp framework?

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    maliming criada
    Equipe de Apoio Fullstack Developer

    I don't know much about Azure, but I can confirm that its current response speed is slow for your apps.

    You can find the reason in Azure

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    ServiceBot criada
    Equipe de Apoio Automatic process manager

    This question has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on março 25, 2024, 15:11