"yasin.hallak.89@gmail.com" 'in aktiviteleri


Please try to remove the ITransientDependency.

Solved, Thanx a lot bro


The hub type HR.Web.SignalR.UiNotificationHub is already registered with route pattern /signalr-hubs/ui-notification

Can you share the code of HR.Web.SignalR.UiNotificationHub and its other related codes?


Yes I can,

And this interface


You can try:

leptonx.createContextMenuWithin(document.querySelector('#notification-bar'), 'notification-bar'); 

Thanx for your response bro :)


please check https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/AspNetCore/Toolbars#example-add-a-notification-icon and


Hi ,

I know this documents and added notification icon in toolbar item, but I took the source code of notification bar in the leptonx demo

and doesn't work notification bar menu


May I know which UI you are using MVC/Angular/Blazor?

Hi ,

I use MVC


I need to use this feature urgant ,and think there are some errors with classes, because when I set attribute (show) as below the notification menu is opened

I tried so much but doesn't open.

Can you give me some hints please

Thanx bro.

One question pleas when I download source code of leptonx pro it gave me this error

what is problem ?


Please make sure all ABP packages are 7.4.0 version.

And try abp clean & dotnet build again.

I didn't use this package in my application

This is the basic package of abp and is included in the template.


I have package <PackageReference Include="Volo.Payment.Stripe.HttpApi" Version="5.2.2" /> but when upgrade

to version 7.4 and build app gave me error not found this package with version 7.4

thanks bro :)


Maybe localhost does not support sub-domain names, you can try a domain name like https://readme.localtest.me/.


how can I use it please , I didn't see any usage example in google search

83 kayıttan 1 ile 10 arası gösteriliyor.
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11