
What feature would you like to see in ABP Suite in the new version?

It says Redis is required in the documentation. Why do we need to install Redis for ABP? If we don't install it, what happens?

I want to add new tenant in DB seeding phase

⚡ Update ABP CLI and ABP Suite

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli --prerelease
abp suite update --preview

📗 Blog post


📘 Commercial release logs


🔼 Migration guides


✏️ Feel free to report any bugs, issues and problems.

⚡ Update ABP CLI and ABP Suite

dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
abp suite update

📗 Blog post


📘 Commercial release logs


🔼 Migration guide from 7.2 to 7.3


✏️ Feel free to report any bugs, issues and problems.

this issue is reported by

• ABP Framework version: v7.3.2 • UI Type: Blazor Server • Database System: EF Core (PostgreSQL) • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no • Exception message and full stack trace: none • Steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Create a brand-new solution using ABP Suite.

  • Log in as the host admin user and create a tenant named Tenant1.

  • Log in as the Tenant1 admin user and create two user accounts: user1 and user2.

  • Log out of the Tenant1 admin user and log back in as the user1 user in Tenant1.

  • Navigate to the Authority Delegation from the user menu. At this stage is the 1st bug: It doesn't actually open the Authority Delegation modal dialog. Instead, it simply navigates to the user account screen. See attached video:

  • Navigate to the Authority Delegation from the user menu for the 2nd time. Now it shows the Authority Delegation modal dialog.

  • Click on the Delegate new user button, and then type user into the search box. At this stage is the 2nd bug: When using dark theme, the background and foreground colours are misconfigured, so it is hard to see what text is being typed into the search box. See attached screenshot of light and dark theme:

  • Select user2 from the search box and then choose a valid date range for the delegation, and then click the Save button. At this stage is the 3rd bug: The newly added delegation does not show in the Delegate users list. Even after refreshing the page, we don't see it in the list. Upon investigation, I found that the delegation record is stored in the database without a TenantId. See attached screenshot:

  • If I then manually update the delegation record in the database to include the correct TenantId, it shows up in the user interface as expected and then the assigned user can actually perform the delegated sign-in.

Does ABP Commercial support 2 factor authentication?

Does ABP Commercial support Active Directory or Azure Active Directory?

Is there a schedule for releasing the ABP Studio?

We want to collect some feedback from you to improve ABP support. In this context;

❓What are your problems with ABP Support? 💡Please suggest your ideas on how we can improve them.

This topic is the ongoing topic of #4479

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 三月 25, 2024, 15:11